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My dads Korea and Malaya Photos mid 1950s


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My ol' Dad served in The Royal Engineers in Korea and Malaya in the middle 1950s and I've been intending for a while to dig out his album and put a few photos up on here that may interest you ......

...hope you like them !



Top left: June 1956 Malaya ..a slight accident with a little dumper.

Right: Xmas Day Dinner 1955 Malaya as served by tradition, by the Officers to the Ranks..

..note arrow pointing to 'BEER!'


Bottom Left: One of their main depot camps...not sure if Korea or Malaya


Middle Bottom: A Scammell in Korea with 'Pandoras Box' which is being loaded if you look closely by a face shovel behind the trailer. 'Pandoras Box' was a typically ingenious Royal Engineers solution to getting material (gravel etc) onto a road. It consisted of a massive crate with an inverted 'V' shaped bottom inside.Hatches were places along the sides and the Scammell would go steadily along with the hatches open allowing the material to dribble out onto the road where it would be levelled in by a dozer. More pics to follow....




The top four photos show a sequence entitled in the album as 'the end of Dopey'. Dopey being the Matador not the driver!.apparantly she ran away when the brakes failed descending a long hill with a Dozer on the trailer. Dad said the brakes were always a problem on the AECs cos they weren't up to towing a very heavy plant trailer with a very heavy dozer on. You can see the dozer alongside the wrecked Matador in the one photo.

the bottom three photos show a Scammell with Pandoras Box June 1955 Korea ...(sorry ..just realised I've repeated one photo)...thats my Dad leaning out the cab in the middle photo of a Scammell named 'Black Panther'.



Top left: My Dad with his 'personal mount' an AEC Matador called Prince Charming .The note on the back of the photo says "Bob Korea 1954 To Mum hope ok, Love Bob..I'd just finished a 406 inspection at this time". Anyone know what that is? My Dad was just short of his 19th birthday in this photo.

Middle top: My poor Dad! The note on the photo says

"this is me on a sunday morning, just out of bed in pyjamas! haha"

his mates had 'locked' him out of their tent for a jape in a bitter cold blizzard in Korea.

Top right: Maintenance time on the dozers.


Bottom left: My dad centre of the back row and some of his mates..

Bottom Right: the sign outside of one of their camps in Malaya.




Top left: My Dads favourite truck 'his' AEC Matador 'Prince Charming'....the note on the back of this tatty old photo says it all really...."Just a photo of my dear old Charming herself"

Top right: My then very young Dad on a dozer dragging a scraper unit. Malaya June 1956


Bottom Left:

My dad with his very close friend Bill Murray who has since sadly passed away...the note says

"Me and Bill...Just tidying up the engine Korea 1955"

Bottom right: The boys of 410 Independent Plant Troop Royal Engineers. My Dad, back row ,5th from the right.


Hope you've enjoyed them Bob.(Jnr!)

Edited by RattlesnakeBob
spelling as usual! tsk!
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Thanks for posting those Bob!. The last photo bottom left with your dad and his mate Bill working on the Scammel the name of the truck appears to be "Sospan Fach" which is Welsh for "Little Saucepan" which is also the name of a traditional Welsh folk song.



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Some great photos! Quite strange to see the Allied star on the Explorers. Was that the only time I wonder?


That little Muirhill dumper - is that one of the very rare batch of left hand drive models supplied to the Americans? :cool2:


Reckon the negative was printed wrong way round, going by the SDY UC 2 on the body. Even the dumpoer seems to have a name (on the radiator top tank), but I can't make out what it is.

Edited by N.O.S.
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Some great photos! Quite strange to see the Allied star on the Explorers. Was that the only time I wonder?


That little Muirhill dumper - is that one of the very rare batch of left hand drive models supplied to the Americans? :cool2:


Reckon the negative was printed wrong way round, going by the SDY UC 2 on the body. Even the dumpoer seems to have a name (on the radiator top tank), but I can't make out what it is.


hahahah! yer right!!!! .....for SDY UC2 read..... 2 cubic yard ...

crikey! I must have looked at those photos a thousand times over the years and I've never noticed that before !


....So glad you like them!!! :D

I'll go see the old fella tomorrow and pass on your regards, he'll be very, very chuffed you like them !


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