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Cure for illegal car parking


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Funny enough, dropped into my local car supply shop this lunchtime, this was being mentioned. Also present wasa gentleman of the 'Tracked vehicle owner's' persuasion. He did admit to doing something with a 432 whilst reversing out of a driveway, pity it was mate's car! :-D Richard Le Brocq did sit an Abbot on top of a Merc as part of an arena show in Jersey. What was remarkable, the Merc fought back! Quite a sight an Abbot tetering on the roof of a Merc saloon.

(Anyway, don't need a tank, I've got a bus!!)

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Oh yes, if only you could get away with doing it.

I get really peeved by people who have drives, garages, empty roads and insist on parking across/on the footway


Not that I have any objection to parking on the road at times it is handy.

Especially when you have a sloping driveway and the handbrake lets go, whilst leaning on the back of your Landy and the only thing between it ant the front room of the house opposite is their Suzuki Swift.



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You know the ratchet handbrake on a Sarasen, I think it was. It snapped when stationary on a hill at some lights in Germany. As the occupants of the car in front jumped out and fled, it was just like free-wheeling into a snow drift:wow: couldn't stop it. Can not remember whether the footbrake had failed too but I think it happened slowly-ish without us relising.

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