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One for M8 Greyhound...


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Hi Jack thanks for the compliments......in answer to your questions


1/ Approx £35000-£45000 depending on condition/ completeness


2/ It was awesome a real life changing experience...almost humbling to ride in tanks in the "tank tracks of ghosts"....


Can post a couple of links to further pictures if you want





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Hi Jack thanks for the compliments......in answer to your questions


1/ Approx £35000-£45000 depending on condition/ completeness


2/ It was awesome a real life changing experience...almost humbling to ride in tanks in the "tank tracks of ghosts"....


Can post a couple of links to further pictures if you want






Yes please mate!


Fancy writing a piece for the articles section :bow: :cofee:

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That is awesome footage. :schocked:


What the hell was that BMW thinking pulling out in front of that Stuart :-o


That is a must see museum above and beyond anything else in the region - don't miss it.


I have always been puzzled as to why people poke fun at folks who carry shed loads of kit on their MV's.......take it from me when you have someone else in the front of a GMC with you there is NO room for any kit and it is the same if your have reenactors in the back - you have to hang somewhere and this footage backs that up.


Well done guys, loved to of been there.



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What the hell was that BMW thinking pulling out in front of that Stuart :-o


Correct me if I am wrong. I am guessing from the road sign glimpsed partially in the bottom left-hand corner that the footage was shot in Europe and my guess is Germany (and I saw no other road signs to give me a better clue.)


I saw no Give Way markings either. In the shot of the Stuarts, the camera once pans left just about enough to suggest there are no road markings at all at the junction apart from some very faded zebra crossings.


In the absence of priority road markings (which would have been visible beyond the junction as the vehicles drove away), I posit that the over-riding European rule of the road applies:


Give way to traffic from the right.


This means the Beamer driver had right of way. If he was German, I guarantee you that he will not give that away. German traffic law is written such that if there is an accident, somebody has committed an offence. If the German driver gave away his way and was rear-ended, he would be to blame. If there were any other accident, the German giving way could be construed in a court of law as somehow contributory and he'd be to blame.


Then there's the German ethic. Lesson number Two on military driving in Germany went something like this:


If you are in the outside lane of the Autobahn and you see a headlight flash behind you, even if you are doing 150Km/h, get out of the outside lane now because somebody much faster than you is overtaking you. (Howeverfast you are going, there is always somebody travelling much faster than you.) Even if he is still on the horizon in your rear-view mirror, he is going to claim his right to overtake you and will claim you impeded him by not pulling back into the next lane after completing your own overtaking manoeuvre. He is going to close very rapidly and that's why he has flashed his headlights.


I once had a German in a Merc try to pull the same stunt on the M3 between Camberley and Fleet, thinking the whole Friday evening rush hour was going to somehow get out of his way. He sat, stuck in the outside lane, just like me, all the way round Winchester through the roadworks where they were building the M3 Winchester bypass to the end of the M3 north of Southampton.

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Reminds me of one of the "Crusader" exercises in Germany during the late Seventies. A chieftain lost it on a cobbled street at night going through a village and wound up wedged between two 14th Century houses. The MP's got the Burgomeister out of bed at about 2 o'clock in the morning and asked him which house he wanted demolished..... :-o :-o :-o

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What happened so the tank hit a house?


I wasn't actually there when it happened,( I was in a broken down half-track(fuel filter problem)), but it had been drizzling earlier in the day and the tank just slid across the road on a corner and made contact with the front porch/house. If I recall correctly there wasn't too much damage to the actual brickwork but the porch was quite poorly :-). Apparently the property owner was a Stuart driver in the French Army so was probably a little more understanding than the average Jean Publique.


In the CMV article "M8 Greyhound" is the guy stood in jeep D10 holding the .30 cal and I'm on the back of M8 C-2 hanging onto the .50 cal, and he wasn't hanging about :-o

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