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Hi to one and all,


I feel an imposter having sold my Bedfords and Foden quite a while ago.I did the show thing for a few years feeding the needy and greedy with my cookset and burning vast quantities of fuel in trucks getting about, however i have only recently found this forum so have joined to see whos doing what and maybe get back into it. Its good to "see" familiar "faces" and whilst i have nothing like some of the experience compared to some of the guys in here i did for my sins 10 years as a REME vm and served my time as a steam and gas turbine technician so can hold my own when it comes to shakin the spanners :D.Any way its a great site to pick up more knowledge so im off mooching.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi Andy, welcome to the forum. Did you ever feed us all at Weston Park?


hi, i may have fed you at weston park :D we went there for a few years on the run,and i took every thing i owned at one time or another(bedfords, foden, cookset, landrovers).stopped going when we had things lifted by people "travelling" through our camping area.thanks for the reply.

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Hi Andy, nice to welcome an ex REME's and a VM at that. your knowledge will be tested on here.


Hi Andy, I think that you fed all of our group down at Stoneleigh, you were with John & Michele Y...g....... It was a fabulous meal, its not your mechanical knowledge that they will want.. its your cooking expertise.

Welcome to the forum.

Ray. :kissoncheek:

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