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RAF Cosford Battle of Britain 1940's Weekend


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Just popped in for a couple of hours to the above event at RAF Cosford today. Having only recently visited the museum I didn't go around all of the hangers again, instead having a look at the other things on offer.


The restoration hanger was opened up to the public showing the Wellington bomber that arrived over the summer for a full restoration.


There were three military vehicles, two jeeps and a Dodge WPC. Whilst there were also a couple of engine demonstrations and a Land Army display.


Luckily I arrived just a couple of minutes prior to the BoBMF's Dakota flew over.


A nice change to a Sunday afternoon, below are a few pictures of the military vehicles.





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Is the Wellington hanger not usually open to the public?



No I don't think so as it's a special restoration area. Although there is an open week from the 15th-20th November during the weekdays which I read on a poster. Will have a look on the net to see if I can find more details.

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Would that be the Wellington which was lifted from a (loch?) some years back? If so a heck of a lot of work has gone into it already!!


I think this is another one.

If I remember correctly the one that they found in Loch Ness is at Brooklands. I think they fished it out back in the mid eighties.



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