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This won't please you. My son James' ATC band were at a veterans church service today and were due to follow it with a performance at the Naval & Military Club in Southend. While they were at the church service someone slipped into the church and stole all their brass instruments. Five trumpets gone.


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This won't please you. My son James' ATC band were at a veterans church service today and were due to follow it with a performance at the Naval & Military Club in Southend. While they were at the church service someone slipped into the church and stole all their brass instruments. Five trumpets gone.


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My comment would be unprintable:-X

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As a former Brass Band player (I played the Tuba) I can feel for your Cadets. It is not just the loss of the instruments, but that they become personal to the player. I hope the crime is solved soon and the Trumpets found.

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Scum is a very descriptive word which has been used frequently here recently, to describe the people responsible for stealing this lovely bronze memorial from the edge of Mendlesham Airfield close to my home. It had been here since 1949 and we assume it was taken for its scrap value. The pictures were taken in '07 at a veterans visit.



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I was just thinking the same thing, surely the scrap merchants must ask some questions? It's the same up here with 'scum' nicking yorkshire flag stones, and selling them to dealers. My mum's local church lost loads, even though they were engraved and painted with the church name. They were found at a local stone merchants yard.


Digressing slightly, I never buy anything from the 'back' of a van, we get idiots around all the time with tools, eg drills with no chargers etc that are obviously nicked, if they can't sell them, then perhaps they won't nick them?

Edited by Simon Daymond
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I was just thinking the same thing, surely the scrap merchants must ask some questions? It's the same up here with 'scum' nicking yorkshire flag stones, and selling them to dealers. My mum's local church lost loads, even though they were engraved and painted with the church name. They were found at a local stone merchants yard.


Digressing slightly, I never buy anything from the 'back' of a van, we get idiots around all the time with tools, eg drills with no chargers etc that are obviously nicked, if they can't sell them, then perhaps they won't nick them?


Same here in Canada, a tow-truck stole my trailer that had the wheels chained, thy just lifted it but left marks on the pavment.

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Simon Daymond I was just thinking the same thing, surely the scrap merchants must ask some questions


They don't care- although in theory they can be put out of business if they are caught receiving stolen property or by loosing their Local Authority issued transfer (recycling) licence even on suspicion of wrong doing.


I had various scaffold towers, several allumium ladders, a cement mixer and various other metal items stolen from my garage by local scrap thieves who drove up in a hire truck smashed the gates damaging a parked car to get the stuff. I was fortunate, my work mate and I are known (in a positive way) to the local police, the crime was resolved within 2 hours and most of the stuff was seized and returned thanks to a sharp eyed neighbour who IDed the hire van and one of the villans and local community officer spotted the Hire truck with the ladders still on top a few streets away.


However of the two villans that were arrested with the stuff in a van they had hired, one was I.Ded by the neighbour as the guy who broke down the gates- 3 months later, they had threatened the witness and our excellent Crown Prosecutor dropped the case, basically she would not risk her conviction rate, despite the relevant fact that they had been caught with the stolen items - there was also some evidence that the truck hire guy was complicit.


Snapper I really hope your lad and his friends get their instruments back, but don't expect the CPS to do anything about the scum who thieved them.



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Most of this is down to the worst scum of all and that's Pikeys.


They will nick anything they can get their hands on because they are too damn lazy to earn an honest living, but would rather steal from ordinary people who work hard for their living. I've seen them walk into a supermarket near Christmas time and just walk out with 4 huge frozen turkeys. Because they are so brazen and the fact the Police are scared of them they get away with it time and time again.


Anything to do with stolen metal is most definitely Pikeys.


Scum of the earth....:argh:

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Most of this is down to the worst scum of all and that's Pikeys.


Like everything, it varies from area to area, you will find thieving Irish travellers (often refered to a Pikeys -which is about as offensive as using the N word to an African-American) who are criminal, in other areas other "Gypsy groups" have caused problems in my area we had a marked increase after 2004 when Slovak Sinta gypsies came to the north east of england, however the main problem is still white anglo-saxon chaves, they rapidly out thieved the Sinta youths in short order and are still at it.



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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, want to hear a funny story ?


I was really saddened to hear about this memorial being vandalised.

Being a member on another forum, and feeling the need to spread the story, I started a thread there about the memorial, including photographs obtained from various souces.

I was really surprised and impressed that although that forum does not have a 'military' theme and is mostly frequented by youngsters - they were outraged. Not only that but the offers of financial help were overwhelming.


One guy that headed up the forum offered to pay for a replacement outright from his own pocket.


He asked me to find out who to give the money to - a few weeks and many enquires later I managed to get a few contact details. I imagined that they would have been pleased to have a benifactor step forward with an offer of finacial support - instead there only interest was getting

'unauthorised pictures' removed from the forum ......................


...........................like I said, funny story.

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