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Fort Nelson near Portsmouth Easter Sunday/Monday April 2010

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Me and the cubeletts had a brilliant day up at Fort Nelson today. The rain stayed away almost (it tried several times to rain and hail but never actually came down too hard) but the wind was strong, and cold!!!!! A good display, arena displays were good and interesting. The chap giving the talks about Dunkirk was absolutley fabulous and such a laugh! I'm afraid the cubed one was locked in the garage for the day so didnt come along with us.

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I also attended this one and drove down fron Oxfordshire. Its the first time I've been to this show and it was a very nice setting. I was told there was no camping, otherwise I would have brought one of my vehicles, but it was very cold in the wind. My mate Ian was there with his M109A2 and also Bill with his M109A2 WO/W (His first show with it). There were more post war vehicles present which left the "WW2 vehicles only inside the Fort" look decidedly thin on the ground, but I suppose the Post war stuff does serve to pull in passing trade. A good day out was had by all.








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