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Is Sean Curtis (Protacman) a member here, he'd know for sure? The Irish Defence Forces had the only RHD ones (16 in total) and they ocaisionally come up for sale for 5k or more. Pretty economical on the Perkins 6.354 but noisy cruising at 45 -50, max is 55. You can get 3 across the front but on many you can only use one door because of the way the spare is hung. The driving position is more cramped that a 101, the steering wheel is huge! The canvas cab isn't exactly made for a european climate either.


No idea what the towing weight is, like many military vehicles they look far bigger than their apparant carrying capacity (2.5t), they have air brakes though. The Irish army bought them instead of 101s to tow the 105mm light gun but they were not liked. They did make effective gun trucks in Somalia though, the IMVG have one preserved in this role.

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Hi Sean,


I think you can found some informations on these websites. Sorry, some of them are in French.










There are many versions with different characteristics. If you need additionnal informations, precise the model and I can search on french websites.





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