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2 way radios


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When me and the boys go to a show, my dads at the front and I bring up the rear. I was thinking about getting a set of walkie talkies so my dad can have 1 and I have the other.

Just want to use them when we are in convoy so I can call my dad instantly to let him know to stop for tea or wee's wee's.

Looking to spend under £20, any ideas?

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I picked up a nice set of DORO WT86 for £28 from Curry's. They have a good range but I do find them to be a bit small. We where going to use them while out photographing kit on the ranges bit keep forgetting to take them. They also have a habbit of picking up CB so you are never alone. Lot cheaper than texting the guys when a 60+ tonne Challenger2 is steaming there way.

Edited by plainmilitary
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I was going to buy some Radios from Argos, but I found they only had a very limited range - a mile at best.

Another solution is a Mobile Phone with a Family deal on it. I have a Vodafone contract and I have signed up to 'Vodafone Family' where (for a monthly fee) you nominate 4 or 6 Vodafone mobiles (can be pay-as-you-go) that can make calls up to 59 minutes to each other for free. Could be a solution, and you won't get out-of-range problems. I know Vodafone do this deal, but I'm not sure of the other networks as I'm biased towards Vodafone.

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those licence-free (actually they're "Licence exempt") radios are "PMR446" specification, and are only putting out half a watt.


If you want more range, either go for CB radio (more expensive, 40 channels, no licence required anymore), or as you mentioned above, Mobile phones (remember to have a phone operator in the car who's not driving!); the other two alternatives are PBR (Private Business Radio), which you're unlikely to qualify for, or Amateur Radio, where there's a Technical & Regulations knowledge-test-based licence requirement.


Oh yeah - you CAN get out of range problems with mobile phones - it's called "passing outside the service area", but with Vodafone, I'll agree that's fairly unlikely - they've been around long enough to have good coverage for most of the country on voice, if not data, coverage.


Hope the above helps :)

Edited by Redcap
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I use Motorola HT600 sets they are ex home office, and i had them reprogrammed to PMR446, and made up some headsets with a press to talk on the lead that clips to your collar or where you want.

The power output is just a "Little" bit higher! but they are excellent in noisy environments and work well from inside armoured vehicles over a good distance, they are also very good for marshalling vehicles, instead of being on a long lead like when working to a tank etc, they arent small, but they are a brick outhouse of a radio.

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