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Land Rover SIIA windows

R Cubed

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If you can afford it get 'em ready glazed! Channel is available from most Landy part stockists but it is *** miserable stuff to try and fit.

The important bit is DON'T damage the top locks for the windows. They are rocking horse poo. The fastening is a small drill and self tappers. Trouble is when you drill into the fuzz you losse the place becuase the fuzz covers it.

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Leave me alone you rotten S*D! Try reglazing a LWB Safari! Every time you pull the drill out from the black fuzz, after it has wrapped round the drill bit , the rest closes over the hole so you can't see......actually , with the minds on here, stop digging boy, the holes deep enough...:-D

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Hello r3!

I bought new door tops and fabric channel from Paddocks (or was it Craddocks?), fitted it all together myself using the original glass. Two years later the corrosion was coming through on the channel and the doortops. What a load of s**t, not impressed!

As chrisg says use self tappers to attach the channels.

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Oh and more room for your elbow out the window as the rear sliding part is wider at the bottom.

Definite bonus unless you have particularly small arms.


What's the difference in the military defender door tops then why no moss or rot as opposed to the series ones ?


Got any pics of them.

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