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Everything posted by fayjo56

  1. Thank you for the quick response. Your TrP looks very smart! 'My' pump is currently grey, but I think may be due a repaint (havent seen it for a while - long story) so history may be repeating itself. :thanx:
  2. I may have a wartime small trailer pump coming my way. I thought it might make a good barracks Fire Picket pump behind the MW occasionaly. (all I have to tow it anyway!) Would an appropriate colour for the pump be red or khaki/dark earth/olive drab? Perhaps there is no 'correct' answer. Brian Baxter has made some excellent models inculding a military set up with red pump, but I have also seen preserved military pumps in green.
  3. I have started building up the body sides, but owing to wife's slipped disc have had few other jobs and errands this weekend!
  4. Ah yes, I had seen the thread, didny put 2 + 2 together. I have a restoration blog on here 'Bedford MWD restoration'. Do you Oxfordshire guys attend an MVT branch?
  5. I would love to hear how you get on. Also, any pics of your truck?:-D
  6. My truck is chassis number 18073 (chassis numbers seem all over the place!?) Contract T8957 MW. I also have a number stamped in one of the original body bits, 14198 - any ideas? I need a brass plate for the body side and the Bedford chassis number plate for the dash if any one has such things or knows of anyone reproducing them?
  7. Well done, very nice. Let us know how you get on driving her home.
  8. Not had a great couple of weeks, just few jobs done. My brother was up last weekend so we had a 'play' with the headlights. I really wanted the large headlights of the early MW, but the correct ones are expensive and few and far between. I also have a pair of butlers that work! So we have come up with a compromise, purists look away now! The butlers will be mounted as the photo, with a false large headlight over one and the bridge plate over the other. These can easily be removed if I need lighting for road use. The only other thing I've done is some painting of the underside and screwed the rear floor down.
  9. Looks realy nice Louis. Mine will have a replica body too (with a few original fittings) So dont feel too bad about it!.
  10. Is the driver in German uniform? (german headlight maybe?)
  11. Nationall Geographic channel next Thurs 8pm (Then several other times after no doubt). A veterans jeep is restored after being targeted by arsonists.
  12. All the floorboards are now cut, drilled and countersunk. I now need to start painting the underside before screwing 'em down. I have also started putting the fittings on the headboard.
  13. Eventually I need to get a shovel for the MW. I have seen both D handles and T handles advertised. Are both types correct for WW2?
  14. I cant get any further than the header page, am I doing something wrong?
  15. Thanks Ian, I was (am) determined to use anything that is salvageable, even if it has a little 'patina'!
  16. Thanks for those John, most helpful. I knew I had got some brackets, just wasnt sure which ones until I dug them out of the box: Perhaps you can confirm how many more I need? Also have taken a pic of the mystery holes within the stowage box, which, incidently I have just built.: Also got the headboard metal surround on, cab floor in and started looking at the rear floor.
  17. Nice to hear from you again, and that you had a successful trip. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
  18. A warm welcome- Always room for more MWs! I trust we will see some piccys soon?
  19. Spent an exciting few hours (not), stripping and sanding the head board planks. I have reused all bar one of the originals. Thanks to a photo of rippo's truck I can see what most of the holes should be for too! Having fitted them I now have a cab! (or what passes as a cab on an aero screen MW).
  20. Hmmm, I wonder what the tooth fairy pays for back teeth these days:D Do you mean the box under the rear side? Why would it have a bump stop?:blush:
  21. This came with my MW, I wondered what it may have been from, it's not MW.
  22. Very impressive, both on the road and on display. Its all the little (or not so little!) extras that make a display of vehicles 'come alive' and our hobby interesting in my opinion. You obviously put a lot of time and effort in - well worth it for the end result.
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