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Everything posted by fayjo56

  1. Found these bonnet catches on ebay, werent sure they would fit until they arrived. Result!:-D
  2. Tailgate done, all bar a few details.
  3. Thanks mate, those pics (above) will come in very handy!
  4. Fitted the left hand dropside. I then decided to cut out the wheel arches, hopefully they look ok. My rather ancient jigsaw literally went up in smoke halfway round the first arch:wow:! Quick trip to B & Q and work could resume. The tailgate is next.
  5. Great progress Jeremy, they come apart alot quicker than they go together dont they! I am envious of the space you appear to have in your workshop, I can only do one side at a time.
  6. Not sure what it came off. It has a single threaded stud on the back. (Sorry, didnt want to hijack Rampant Rivets resto thread!)
  7. This is the badge I may use on mine,it has a slight V in it, rather than flat, so probably came off a civilian truck grille.
  8. Oh no, not more competition for those rare parts! Seriously though, nice to see another one on the way, I am sure we can all help each other along (or console each other!).:cry:
  9. Danny, the timber is just cheap (ish) sotwood, yes probably pine. I have treated the knots with knottting solution which seals them for painting.
  10. Finished making second dropside, and fitted the first one.
  11. Bit if a long shot, but is there anyone in easy reach of Slough with a truck or winch that could assist a friend with a 10ton fire engine stuck in a school field? Needs to try and move it tomorrow (Monday). Humble pie supplied!
  12. Brilliant!, again please come and find me (I will probably be easier to find being in a 'red' minority!)
  13. Great! I look forward to meeting you. Please make yourself known, I suspect there will only be the one Fire Engine.
  14. Body fabrication continues! Made the rear 'frame' today, and started on the 2nd dropside. And a welcome visit from Rippo and his good lady.
  15. Is anyone going? (Nr Reading). It sounds like the makings of a good event. I am taking my Fire Engine, would love to say hello to some forum members!
  16. Thank you Maurice, I will fit them for now but keep a close eye on them! Hopefully some originals or close to originals will turn up sometime.
  17. Hi Danny, sorry about the delay in replying. I have rebuilt my cross members by copying the remains of the originals, but I dont have any mudguards to refer to so will make them to fit. There does appear to be differences in body construction from the little I have seen. Rippo is really the man to ask, maybe he'll be along here soon! In the mean time I have continued with the body sides. I could not find any suitable hinges anywhere so have fabricated some, hope they dont look too bad and will pass muster! One dropside now has the metal edging all the way round.
  18. Fascinating! My brother has one of the carts I think you may be referring to. 2 Large cart wheels, hose wrapped around the axle and a box for equipment on top? I'll try and get a picture up.
  19. Sorry to hear that Ted. All the best to you.
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