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Lauren Child

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Everything posted by Lauren Child

  1. It's a really good looking box, buit am I the only one hoping somebody IDs it as "Box, Chisel-holding, for making boxes" ?
  2. I'd second Richard's recommendation of War & Peace. It is the largest MV show in the world and sees vehicles from all over Europe. It's quite an experience. If you are limited to just 2 weeks though, Duxford and Tankfest are two weeks apart. Duxford 16th June 2013 Tankfest 29/30th June 2013 War and Peace 17th-21st July 2013
  3. Is that Manchester, New Hampshire (US) or Manchester (UK)? If it's in the UK let us know if you have any spare time over here, as there's a lot of history to explore.
  4. It may be off topic for this thread on the Centurion, but it was quite a comparison to start the day with the Jagdpanther, and then go to a rememberance service held with one of the folks who probably faced exactly this type of vehicle in less friendly times. It's exactly this type of thing that makes volunteering at Duxford worthwhile. Work on rare and interesting vehicles, have a fun time with some mates, and most importantly preserve, remember, and educate in the process. That's the plan anyway - it's often quite hard work.
  5. It's the one that was in IWM London. You can just see it here - http://www.panzerworld.net/jagdpantheriwm
  6. You only have to compare tanks at the start of the war with those at the end and the final evolution of the main battle tank to see how far the state of the art advanced during those few years. From what I can see it's not that the preceding tanks were bad, it's that the state of the art advanced to something that we can now recognise as good design practice.
  7. Good old British engineering. You can tell just by looking what a good job the designers made of it. Very well done all round on the restoration.
  8. It looks about the right size for a couple of earth spikes and a sledge hammer to whack them in with.
  9. Wow, I wish I could have seen the Beverley museum when it was going - it looks like a wonderful collection of vehicles. Welcome along - I bet you've got some good stories to tell
  10. It's certainly the right shape for a fire and rescue service logo, albeit without the crown so maybe not the defence one. Serco and Chubb have involvements with fire services and equipment, so it may from it's time with them.
  11. I didn't realise until watching it this time that it was (loosely) based on a true story. I've now added the book "Nazi Gold: The Sensational Story of the World's Greatest Robbery - and the Greatest Criminal Cover-Up" to my Christmas list.
  12. Paint.net is a good free one. http://www.getpaint.net/
  13. This may be the group you are thinking of - http://www.mvt.org.uk/area_pages/severnside.htm
  14. I'd imagine, given the similarities, that you could use Merlin engine ones. It may be worth asking the fighter collection folks for a heads up (especially if anyone's got an b grade options that aren't suitable for the aircraft). Alternatively, I've got this place bookmarked as I'm sure they've come up on a different thread re meteor/merlin parts. http://www.aerovintagespares.com/
  15. Well said. In case anyone else on here is being stumped finding 6Volt amber lanterns, I found these. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Beacon-Truck-Trailer-Boat-24-LEDs-Warning-Safety-Light-Amber-6V-12V-24V-36V-/120830585725 I've not got them through yet so can't comment on how good they are, but they do support 6volt electrics so I'm hopeful.
  16. It's a good idea (that I think was mentionned) but keep in mind when talking about compliance that a trailer board is really for use on trailers, so you'll have triangular reflectors on it. Personally, I'd have thought some reflectors are better than none, but you'd need to look at the legalities for yourself.
  17. Or, to paraphrase, "What WOT, and what whatnot". What ho! Lauren
  18. My bet would be the fire service as well - see here and here http://oakparkrunner.wordpress.com/the-national-memorial-arboretum/
  19. A blue square could indicate the 2nd Canadian Division (as a formation sign), or more likely for the position a Royal Engineers Unit (as an arm of service sign). If so, the previous bit I popped on about the red square being an arm of service marking is probably wrong - what's the location of that one? If you're interested the books I'm using are - Formation Badges of World War Two by Howard Cole, and - World War Two Military Vehicle Markings by Terence Wise. Both quite handy by the looks of things. I can't remember where I came across the bit on the convoy light number.
  20. It is one of those tunes that when you listen to the lyrics and what they're actually saying makes a big difference. I still can't bimble around in a vehicle without it popping to mind though.
  21. Well done! Is there any chance of you doing the hessian camo nets again?
  22. It could be worth giving them a ring. I'm sure others on here may have more experience, but I'd just be a bit careful of personal info, especially given that these dog tags have obviously become separated from their owner.
  23. Guilty pleasure that is, Kellys Heroes is just starting on ITV4. I would watch but I'm busy practicing my other dog impression (required to maintain my H license).
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