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Lauren Child

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Everything posted by Lauren Child

  1. You may want to edit and remove the personal details from that post until you've found out whether some sensitivity is needed. Just in case.
  2. If I've got this right, The number on the convoy disc (black 7) is the unit serial number (i.e. the 7th truck in the unit) The red square is probably a branch of service marking indicating senior brigade (infantry), or senior regiment (armoured), or independant brigade (infantry) with the number indicating the serial number assigned to the unit.
  3. This came through on one of the technology related mailing lists I'm on. It's a book about how the campaign to save Bletchley Park got started. It sounds interesting, and she needs to get enough buyers before the publisher will go to print. http://unbound.co.uk/books/saving-bletchley-park
  4. That's handy - I'm wondering if that Bio stuff will remove the greasy substance as it says it's a degreaser.
  5. I think the idea behind this one is that there is no water in it. The boiling point is much higher, so less likely to boil. See here - http://www.evanscoolant.co.uk/acatalog/Learn-More.html
  6. I've been pondering that for the WOT, given that it's not likely to boil and squirt out, and should be more efficient at cooling (the WOT runs quite hot). From what I hear it's damn expensive though.
  7. My other half has recently given up drinking fizzy drinks after some rather painful dentistry. I think she me think I was taking the mickey if I got her favourite in and tipped it into the truck
  8. I'm not sure the colour is as consistent as it should be, so to be sure the old-type stuff is Ethylene Glycol, with no OAT. Ethylene Glycol is normally blue, and on the back of the bottle I've got here it's also labelled "Ethanediol" as an alternative name. This is the stuff that's pretty toxic and smells yummy to animals, so be careful and don't spill it or leave it out. It's frequently mixed with Di-Hydrogen Monoxide.
  9. I've had some success washing motorbike bits in dishwasher liquid before, so that's actually not a bad idea though you'd need to make sure it had a good rinse away. I'd be tempted for the radiator where you can give it a good rinse, but inside the engine could be a bit more problematic.
  10. Alas, between a mix-up setting the alarms over the time change, and a longer than expected morning, we got down there just as it started to spit with rain and everyone started to pack up early... I was briefly tempted by a set of of Guy Ant manuals, but I saved my pennies in case there was anything for my actual trucks and by the time I got back the they'd all been packed up. So what bargains did those who got there earlier find?
  11. From what I understand, you shouldn't use OAT modern antifreeze in older vehicles. I've been using Bluecol 2 year stuff to be safe. There's some info here - http://fbhvc.co.uk/2010/01/27/antifreeze/
  12. Hope you soon feel better. Is there anything you want the rest of us to look out for?
  13. Thanks Iain, I've just spotted the bit at the top that says "guide price" as well. That'll be me jumping straight to the shiny things and forgetting to read the header
  14. It's time to sort out the antifreeze in the trucks. I know the WOT could use a good flush as there's some greasy crud in the top (possibly radweld from a previous life - not sure) that I'd like to remove so I can see if there are any problems. Can anyone recommend a good radiator flush product I could use before putting fresh antifreeze in?
  15. Never having been to one of these, what's the deal with the catalogue prices? They seem rather high in some areas. Is that a reserve or just a guide price?
  16. Wasn't it supposed to be Mr Tumble that bought the Wheeler Dealers jeep? http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?34541-wheelers-dealers-jeep/page3 Sounds like he's a bit of an enthusiast. Should we reserve the username "MrTumble" in case he wants to join the forum?
  17. Looks like the ultimate kitchen accessory from one of the photo's. Why don't Ikea do these? Very nice!
  18. Welcome in Steve. Can we tempt you with something big and green?
  19. From what I can see, both of the payment types are of a type that can't be recovered if it's not real, so be careful (it's a bit odd to be asked to pay that way). If it were me, that would put me off unless it's a known business.
  20. ~~~ "16 tonnes and what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt..." ~~~
  21. Interesting stuff I'm surprised to see Centaurs still being produced so late. Does that include Centaur hulls that were finished as Cromwells?
  22. Heya Can we see some photo's of your models?
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