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Lauren Child

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Everything posted by Lauren Child

  1. The chap at the bottom has "Director" on the back of his top. Is this a film being made?
  2. I was thinking that, but they look so much better without a puddle of petrol underneath and flambé doghouse. It's not been my year, but hey it's the first year I've had vehicles of my own so I've learned a lot
  3. I wonder who's that is...
  4. Very Cool You didn't fancy the one from Wheeler Dealers then? :cool2:
  5. yup - my other half just pointed it out as I posted - I've added a second link as she spotted several others... Just as well I'm into the land stuff. She's always been aircraft I'd guess that makes the signals, bike, and right-hand gate incorrect, and then it makes 13. They do look plane-ish though
  6. I think I've got 14, so one must be bogus - probably the "3d" one. I've coloured in here - linked but not displayed so I don't spoil it for those still playing http://linux2.nightwolf.org.uk/~lauren/for_hmvf/planes.gif EDIT: OK, so my other half just spotted several more.... A lot of mine must be bogus matches. http://linux2.nightwolf.org.uk/~lauren/for_hmvf/planes2.gif
  7. I thought that as well, but a quick google revealed that Jeeps are supposed to be Synchromesh
  8. I wish I had kitchen drawers like that 'Just looked in mine and found some string and a half used packet of batteries.
  9. http://youtu.be/W5EjUawnKu4 Something went wrong...
  10. Auction Hunters on the Discovery Channel just showed an episode where they found a Stuart gun barrell and Chaffee track links (amoingst some other stuff). I couldnt help wondering what happenned to the original owner, who must have been part of the community over in the states. The episode is called "Smoking Ton".
  11. Will do - they're not that far away from me, down near Bedford I think.
  12. That's kind of what I was thinking, which is why I'm still here and not at Life on the Holme Front. Some of the webites say "they do that" though, but I'm not sure the hot-rodders really have a safety head on.
  13. How much of a problem is fuel seepage from the Holley (ford badged) carbs? I had a problem starting the CMP today and on looking found that the base of the carb was wet with petrol - it's been seeping down onto the top of the engine as well. That to me looks bad, but there seems to be some differing opinions on the net on whether that's normal for old Holley carb's. Am I looking at an expensive repair, or is that just normal and it'll evaporate off when it gets warm? It looks a lot like its coming from the throttle/choke spindle (where the idle speed screw is).
  14. I've seen recommendations on another forum for the "automotive trouble shooting for ww2 vehicles" books. I've not picked them up, but I understand they have a strong jeep focus. Has anyone on here come cross them and actually read them - are the any good?
  15. It's a real shame to see the Morris go. I wonder what we'll get in to replace it.
  16. Having grown up in the area - I'd agree with the above as a good start. - Tangmere has the world record setting Hawker Hunter and a replica of the Spitfire prototype. Worth a look. - Eastbourne Redoubt and Newhaven Fort are both full of history. For the older history, Pevensey castle is interesting, as is Bodiam castle. The Battle of Hastings re-enactment is around about now over in Battle (with Battle Abbey). A27 across to Portsmouth is do-able, though it feels like a long drive when you're doing it. There you have the D-Day museum and the historic dockyards, Mary Rose and Victory. Further afield in the opposite direction is Dover castle. If you get there make sure you book onto the underground hospital tour early as there's only a limited number of spaces. The upper bunker was central to D-Day.
  17. Thanks Robert - I may take you up on that manifold. If no other info is forthcoming I'll swap it out and see if I can find any part numbers that would help identify why it's there (possibly, as Adrian says, a quick fix). If it's another period item I'll put it back on as a bit of the vehicle's history. The rest of the engine looks the right vintage for the truck (77E heads) but the fuel pump looks like a later one (no priming lever underneath) so the upper part may have seen some re-work, particularly as you say around the fuel pipe. I need to give the tank selector valve a bit of a clean out as well (it's a bit stiff) so I'll do both at the same time.
  18. I turned my attention to the WOT2 today, and for the first time noticed an extra spark plug just below the carb. It's not connected to anything and was covered in grime to match the rest of the engine bay, so it didn't stand out. It's not in the copy of the parts list that I have. What's it for? I'm guessing it's an aid to starting. Would this have been for cold climates?
  19. Blimey, it looks like he's right. Code of practive available here - http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/professional/advice/advice-by-topic/buildings/maintenance-and-repair/paint-legislation-historic-buildings/ (download the pdf on the right hand side)
  20. Come on, you can't leave it at that For a start does that name indicate we have another addition to our girls corner? :dancinggirls: (I would assume so, but I've come across so many ironic screen names that I never assume anything any more )
  21. Two jeeps being towed on the M4 toward London today. One on a trailer, and one on a trangular tow bar. Also an RB44 and silver car trailing a supacat ATMP at the garage just off black cat roundabout (A1/A421). Very nice they looked too. I nearly turned the same colour green with envy.
  22. Palletline springs to mind - looking at the website there doesn't appear to be a weight element on the quick quote. Hope that helps Make sure you have decent access - I've had a couple of pallet courier companies struggle with my gravel driveway.
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