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Lauren Child

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Everything posted by Lauren Child

  1. It's mentionned in the Data Book of Wheeled Vehicles for wartime British service. Model 980 being designated a Transporter, and 981 Recovery with longer winch cables and guide fittings to pull from the front as well. In old money, the weight of tractor was 11 tons 18.5 cwt unladen gross, or 18 tons 18.5 cwt laden gross. The Rogers / Winter Weiss trailers are 10 tons 2cwt unladen gross, or 50 tons 7 cwt with an example load of a Churchill tank. Recovery trailers had added snatch blocks for multiplying winch pull.
  2. The Kegresse track is mentioned in the Manual of Military Vehicles (I.C. Engined) 1930. It states that the attachment had been trialled and not proved satisfactory. Experiments were underway to move the drive sprocket to the front and split the wheel with tongues on the track to center it (as seen on most modern tracks). Your photo shows the drive sprocket at the front, so I wonder if that's a military version, or if the improvements were adopted on the civvy models as well. The two photo's look different - the idler arm to the bogies on the top one is the trial configuration, as are the blocks on the track and around the drive sprocket.
  3. The M4/A34 junction is a bit peculiar if you are going that way. From the big roundabout that joins the two (just by the services) you take the turning toward the A34 northbound but exit in the left-most lane. There's a slip from the slip onto the A34 Northbound. See here - http://goo.gl/maps/v9CJF
  4. Make sure you get there early. I went to the last one and got there just as everyone was packing up early, so it was a bit of a wasted journey. We were there for about 15 minutes before going home, and 5 of those was waiting for the loo after the journey There were lots of jeep bits though.
  5. Wow, I've seen photo's of Jim Baxter's WOT2 on MLU, and it is magnificent. Thanks for the info
  6. These things tend to make me think of this photo - http://zombiecontentions.com/2011/10/01/vortex-of-meanwhiles/antenna-repair-empire-state-building/
  7. Heya Peter, Dingo's have always looked good fun, even if a bit cramped in the drivers seat! Are you moving over entirely to Milmarket or still running your El Alamein store as well?
  8. I like the removable top - that would really simplify moving in
  9. Working now. I guess the thread lives up to it's name
  10. Thanks! Sorry I completely missed that this was an introduction - welcome along you've got some excellent work there I'll measure up the hatch on mine tomorrow and let you know.
  11. Is this structure normal? I understand that the WOT2H shared the same GS back with the MW (it was made by Bedford) but mine has a large hatch in the floor to get to the top of the rear axle/diff. I'm not with it at the moment but from memory it looks bigger than the gaps you've got there. I may be going barmy though.
  12. I'm sure there have been plenty of civvy vehicles that have been used by various forces, but I'm not sure I'd consider them military if they're not employed as military (i.e. A, B, C vehicles etc.). If you look outside of those vehicles directly in the military context, you end up with every hire/pool car, delivery truck, milkfloat, etc. I reckon Marmite's right - its "other" chat, unless you're talking about a Mini that's been in military use (like the Morris Minor's that were used as B vehicles). I hope Meteor finds his garage anyway.
  13. Chocolate, penguins, and a tank book (The rolls royce heritage Meteor one). A good christmas.
  14. Merry Christmas back to the team, and well done for keeping it going for another year
  15. It should be showing up embbedded into the page with a [ youtube ] tag, but if it's not you can watch it here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgJFzcvOIQE
  16. The Mayan Apocalypse might still be on, just running late. All of these TV news reports about the end of the world last Friday are just the sort of thing that would have put clairvoyants of the past off their game
  17. I just found an old thread here - http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?24162-Meteor-engine-HP-Mk-IVb-v-M120
  18. It looks like there were two versions in use, the Conq book lists as Engine, Meteor, M120, No.2, Mk.1A ... ... ... ... FV88258 Engine, Meteor, M120, No.2, Mk.1D ... ... ... ... FV91643 Is it completely diffierent or is it the ancillaries that have changed against the 4B?
  19. Heya! Welcome along - WOT2's share many of the same parts with the Fordson 7V and the Ford Pilot of the same vintage. Spares are somewhat difficult to come by, but there's not a lot to them that needs sparing. The engine is an (almost) normal V8 so you can pick up a lot of components from the U.S., although keep in mind that there are some peculiarities (Lucas distributor, larger spark plugs). The GS back is common with the Bedford MW (actually made by Bedford and then fitted to the WOT2H). What do you need? The Early Ford V8 Club of America's UK chapter is worth checking out at http://www.earlyfordv8.co.uk/ (assuming you are in the UK) Which one have you picked up - is it the one that was on ebay from France? If you've not got a lubrication dagram, let me know and I'll scan one in. TTFN Lauren
  20. I just stumbled across this on youtube and I don't think it's been posted here yet. It seems to be a russian program similar to Top Gear or Braniac. They're putting a T-34 and a T-90 through their paces and comparing them. I'm not quite sure what the hippies and the folding chair have to do with it mind you Something went wrong...
  21. Keep in mind that painting the wheel nuts red is a bad idea unless they need to be. There's a colour code to indicate dangerous bolts on wheels, and red means danger - do not undo without deflating the tyres.
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