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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. I'm sure the seal question has been discussed on here before but can't remember the general opinion now, the ones on mine were fitted with inside lip in and outside lip out, so work both to keep oil in and water out. My first go at undoing the hub nut involved tightening a big vice on it (without the bench) putting a 12 ft scaffold pole though the hole below the jaws and jumping on it...yes......... the vice broke it two!
  2. That'll be three running nice new yank rubber then, nice to see you're keeping up......:-D
  3. Your'e right, it's a bit confusing, are you talking about personal cover without an MV exhibit? I would have thought most classic car/military vehicle policies included show cover for you whilst driving you MV as this is what most owners do with their vehicles. Have a close look at the conditions of your policy, it may be that you will find you are covered, it is not unheard of that the person who answers the phone does not know much at all, or is even interested! Even if you just had an ordinary third party cover only, I'm pretty sure you would have the necessary public liability to drive onto a show ground and park on display, after all that's no different from parking in the car park, arena displays might be another matter though. Interesting and important stuff this, do show organizers actually know what is needed or do they just put that clause into the form to cover themselves?
  4. My NFU Mutual Vintage Commercial Vehicle policy covers me for SD&P, including attending vintage vehicle club events, rallies and road runs. Up to £5,000,000 plus costs for legal liability for property damage. Unlimited cover for legal liability to the public for injury This is all written in the key facts sheet, I would think that it would be sufficient, unless someone can see a get out in there. I did specifically ask about this before taking out the policy, always best to check first.
  5. :thumbsup: Very very nice... well done Jim, not sure what I'm lusting after most, the Pioneer or the big log pile!
  6. Well that really does look the perfect combo Nick, you might have to update your bridge plate now..
  7. That man has been a hero of mine for years Mike, If ever I feel my mechanical daydreams are a getting bit bonkers I watch that clip for reassurance, but maybe Charles F. Taylor was in a different league somehow..........unlike the unicycle it was a new idea that actually worked, in a quiet gentlemanly way, and the problems he overcame must have used up a heck of a lot of midnight oil! I think maybe his biggest mistake was not putting a skirt around it and pretending he had invented the hovercraft!
  8. He was trying to perfect a cross country vehicle, I reckon a Reliant Robinkrad would be better... http://thekneeslider.com/archives/2009/06/07/charles-taylors-one-wheel-vehicles/
  9. Charles F. Taylor spent a long time proving that more than one wheel is just daft. Not your usual mono-cycle..way more interesting than that, the more I watch this the more respect I have for this man's determination and skills. Rather a long clip but it shows two versions of his invention. http://www.me.berkeley.edu/one_wheel_vehicle/Movie.htm
  10. Great stuff, it's always nice when a plan works out well...:thumbsup:
  11. Strange that an ebay seller gets fined for bidding on his own items, yet it is perfectly legal for an auctioneer in this country to take bids 'off the wall'. This happened on a TV property program and the auctioneer got stuck with the lot he was falsely bidding up, embarrassed silence and hasty withdrawal of the lot followed. The presenter said this is all perfectly legal, if a little frowned upon! I have noticed that seasoned buyers seem to prefer standing at the back, now I know why, as the auctioneer can't point to some non existent person behind them, difficult to stand at the back in cyberspace though.
  12. With your cheerful and positive attitude you have created your own luck Ray, long may it continue
  13. It was pretty exciting for me Jack, at 3.18, I thought that bit of gravel with the tyre on it just past the bush was the gateway.............jeeeze he's mad he'll never make it at this speed! :eek:
  14. In UK a 3 wheeler under 550 kg can be driven on a motorcycle licence, I think the Davis 949 falls way outside that weight, actually it doesn't look much lighter than a normal 2wd car, I reckon even Reliant would have struggled to sell them if they had taken up the offer to produce them here. When I where a lad, I used to get a regular lift home on Saturday nights with a girl who drove a Bond..............it was better and faster than walking 9 miles, just!
  15. Nice to know the system worked for you, there's some slippery types on there that's for sure!
  16. Might have been the same one that flew over Eastbourne around 4 this afternoon, it was quite noisy too, funny how you can get used to silence so quickly!
  17. This one leaving a fund raising do at the British Queen pub, Willingdon nr Eastbourne yesterday. The event raised £4,000 plus for Help for Heros
  18. That looks very like the monitor I bought Clive, he does not give any details of the camera at all that I can see, it seems like he is selling the monitor at the normal price and just bundling a really cheap camera, possibly an older type.
  19. I was only thinking of the exhausts being at the back but lower, I suppose if they where under the hull what you say makes a lot of sense, good thinking..:thumbsup:
  20. Well damn and blast that Google..... I thought that would last a bit longer than that! What where they thinking of.. that blue damper would never pass a military assessment..:nut:
  21. Stumbled across this while surfing, of course I know what it is, but do you?
  22. Couldn't have put it better myself Mike, fitting a relatively modern diesel has transformed my enjoyment of my Explorer. Before I finally freed myself from my debilitating originality hangup, it had lain unloved and neglected for over a year, due to reliability, recovery costs, and spares problems. I think this is indeed the way forward if these vehicles are to be seen out and about in the future.
  23. Funny you should say that Paul............I was wondering when you would start to ease off a bit, but what a great time you've had so far! For me two would be too many, just haven't got your sort of energy.............
  24. Great looking boat, just a thought........interesting to read that the speed increased when underwater exhausts where fitted, how would that work, would the increased thrust not be cancelled out by the power loss due to increased back pressure? Given that there would be a fair bit of thrust from three Merlins bellowing away!
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