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Everything posted by Runflat

  1. Ah! I see what you are getting at. You could well be right.
  2. Just to prove that Tim isn't on his own in this world...
  3. The criteria you cite is for MOT exemption. If you are within this then you are fine. The issue is whether you can take camping equipment with you and still regard the vehicle as 'unladen' - see my thoughts here at post #208: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?16828-MOT-Testing-Exemptions-Consultation-VERY-IMPORTANT/page21 What's being suggested is, as an alternative, meeting one of the alternative groupings for MOT exemption, namley for 'living van'. This may be an option for some, but not for most. In the meantime, ambiguity remains as to what constitutes 'unladen'.
  4. These may be of interest: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?17187-Guy-FBAX-3-5-ton http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?17291-Hi-from-Oxfordshire Do you own one? Love to see some pictures if you do.
  5. Unlikely to be military - possibly on hire. It's a Morris Commercial by the way, but then you probably knew that.
  6. I was unaware that period photos exist of the C8/P in original form. If you have some, you're a bit of a hero! Bart Vanderveen's article on these in W&T didn't have one. A line drawing exists in the HMSO date book of wheeled military vehicles. Tim - the seating should be four abreast. The outside pair are very exposed! The floor lockers and tail gate suggest this is one of the one's converted to A/T form. Love the PU by the way.
  7. I can't remember whether the enamel on the Guy badge is inlaid (cloisonné) or painted like an enamel sign. If the former, you could start with these people: http://badgecraft.co.uk/ They may be able to do the latter as well. These people do work on signs, albeit on other side of the globe: http://www.bowsersandsigns.com.au/enamel_sign_restoration.html Some closer to home who also do vitreous enamel work: http://www.ajwells.com/index.asp http://www.stocksigns.co.uk/uploads/newsFiles/Burnhams%20flyer%20lowres.pdf http://www.fattorini.co.uk/Badgemakers.aspx
  8. You may be interested in these as well From here: http://www.britishpathe.com/record.php?id=52607 From here: http://www.britishpathe.com/record.php?id=52713 And from here: http://www.britishpathe.com/record.php?id=53872
  9. Post 63 shows one with them perched at the front as does this picture (from here http://www.britishpathe.com/record.php?id=56222 ) The tractor is a Crossley 4x4
  10. Hey Kiwi, that's a neat truck you've got there. In case you are unaware, some "before and after" restoration pics of this truck appear in Wheels and Tracks magazine #15. What I find interesting with British vehicles is the sheer number of minor design changes they went through (and which of course makes it all the more difficult to find the right bits for an accurate restoration). We have the aero screen models, then yours with a full screen and canvas doors, and then those with solid doors. But even then there are differences - there are some links to Denis' example earlier on, here's another: http://ccmv.fotopic.net/p58114134.html You'll see the petrol tank filler pokes through the cab side, whereas Glynn's radio truck has the filler in the cab (I guess). No doubt there are other differences as well. (NB Glynn's truck now has the correct Guy Motors badge for the grill.) Glynn, this string is rapidly turning into an Ant gallery - and nothing wrong with that. Do you have pics of the other survivors?
  11. Glynn has asked me for some more photos of 229EBK, so here we go:
  12. There's certainly one in the National Archives. I can't now remember whether it is the same as one of the ones shown (although it'll be the same vehicle) http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/catalogue/displaycataloguedetails.asp?CATLN=6&CATID=2549413&j=1
  13. As this is an export of an MV, there are licencing issues to think about. The thread here is principally about temporary exports, but it has links to the relevant websites that will tell you about permanent exports of military equipment. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?13530-Taking-your-MV-abroad You may want to consider deciding at point you take ownership - in the UK, on the high seas, etc. - which will then determine who is exporting (you or the vendor) and who is importing at the other end (where no doubt all sorts of other regulations come into play). Oh, this interview with Jacques Littlefield is illuminating in that he mentions subcontracting export/importing work to trusted people: One agent that offers this service is Bob Fleming http://www.bobfleming.co.uk/broker.htm No doubt there are others. I've no idea what charges he makes and whether you would prefer to do-it-yourself.
  14. 1980s! Blimey was it that long ago? Actually, it's probably right. Anyway, the photos were taken at one of the MVCG (as was) shows at Southsea. Sorry, can't remember what year.
  15. Taken from film in Sicily here: http://www.britishpathe.com/record.php?id=12345 Clearly a Morris Commercial, probably a C4. Interesting camoflague pattern!
  16. Compare and contrast: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?12574-Brockhouse-Fuel-Bowser
  17. This is as good a thread as any to post these pictures of a Guy Ant that I've not seen in many a year:
  18. Or try Available Austins in Coventry - a Google search will bring up their details
  19. Hi Jim Although not military, this tractor forum thread may be just up your street: http://www.smokstak.com/forum/showthread.php?t=34686
  20. Will give it a whirl. :thanx:
  21. Is there any chance of changing the search settings so that we can look-up three lettered words? Seems daft that the search engine comes up with 'no results' for REO, GMC, CS8, Guy, Ant, RAF etc.
  22. YOU should recognise it, it's your wireless truck!
  23. CCKW based control waggon from the 50s at the start here: http://www.britishpathe.com/record.php?id=63670 Probably not what you're looking for, Wamba - not really a tower. Any chance of posting a picture from the comic so we know what we are trying to find for you.
  24. I see the owner of the Austin K2 in this month's Classic Military Vehicle mag (March 2010) used this company for his frames...
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