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Everything posted by arcot1751

  1. You say the tanks were " resealed" could some of the old sealer have broken down (ethanol in fuel) and blocked a jet ? Are the float levels correct ? When it dies have you checked for fuel actually in the float bowl ? I agree condensers and coils can cause the same problem but often something recently done has a knock on effect so may be fuel related
  2. Welcome to the HMVF Roger, your jeep looks pretty good already
  3. While we were in Normandy for the 70th my newly acquired WC 52 had an "incident" with its clutch. There was a ping and then the pedal went nearly to the floor before moving the actual clutch ! On removing the cover plate from the bottom of the bell housing the release bearing had come out of its seat, we managed to get it back into position but it came out several more times over the holiday but by leaving the cover plate off it was a moments job to pop it back in again. I presume there should be a clip of some sort holding it in place as on other vehicles I have owned, but it wasn't in the bell housing so I have no idea what it looks like or how it attaches. I have tried looking it up on the internet but can find no pictures of the bearing in situ or a part number for it. Does anyone out there have any idea what I need, and also where I can source one ? I presume the engine or gearbox will have to removed to fit it anyway so I will need to find someone up to the job if possible in the Lincolnshire area, any suggestions ? Thanks all :-\
  4. Welcome to the HMVF Frank, I hope things are now on the up for you and your family and good luck for the future.
  5. RESPECT to all involved :saluting:
  6. Something tells me I may need them :-D
  7. I got mine delivered to Hull and used a low loader to pic up from there. Obviously if yours is a non runner then it may be easier to transport door to door on a trailer ? My Dodge was a non runner as such they towed it on and off the ferry no problem. :-)
  8. I have just imported a Dodge WC 52 from Holland and found the whole process relatively easy, you will I think have to complete a NOVA form for customs and maybe get some sort of export certificate from France. Get a bill of sale stating the vehicle is for spares only. HMRC were very helpful over my Dodge and I had no delays at the port of entry. Good luck
  9. Just when I thought we were all sorted some doubt has crept in to whether our parking near Portsmouth will materialise We supposedly arranged to park our low loader in a friend of a friends yard while we attend the Normandy 70th, this was all as far as I was told "sorted" TWO years ago, only now, after many prompts to confirm, it only "may be ok" :mad: Obviously this is slightly worrying to say the least so just wondered if anyone else knows of a secure lorry park available around the Portsmouth area at a reasonable price ? We are booked on the MVT tour leaving 30th - 9th June. We planned to go down on the 29th and camp with the MVT at Fort Nelson before catching the ferry the next morning. It's all going horribly wrong as my old mate used to say :-D
  10. I am going to pay my respects to all veterans as are most I would think, it is because of these brave man AND women we are free today. I intend to lay a wreath on Sword in memory of a much missed Grandfather who landed on Queen Sector on the 6th. R.I.P Joe God Bless. :saluting:
  11. I keep thinking I'm ready but the Dodge keeps throwing a temper tantrum and decides it's not going back ! At present most of the non perishable kit is loaded and the truck is behaving, still have not got my canvas back from repair though and there is plenty of time yet for the old girl to misbehave :laugh: Plan B is to take my GPW and trailer but I really want to take the Dodge so it's fingers and toes crossed and a few silent prayers Good luck to all making the trip and if you see a Dodge WC 52 with the bonnet up say a prayer also !
  12. I agree, in the past I had a problem with my VW split screen van, it turned out the poor earths appeared to rob power from the spark, once I had cleaned and sorted all connections it started fine. It's human nature to start at the most complicated fixes when it's something simple after all, we've all done it :-D
  13. I will remember that Rosie, if you see someone pushing a broken down Dodge off the end of the dock at Portsmouth, please contact my next of kin because I may just jump in after it
  14. Quick update, It made it ! I took it 25 miles today and it didn't breakdown :wow: Temperature stayed just below 140f and even on a long hill didn't rise. I still don't trust it but it did manage to get me back home without it involving a tow rope. Next step is to chase up the canvas as it went for repair a month ago and is due back tomorrow, then I will keep taking it for decent runs and with everything crossed make a final decision whether to risk Normandy with it or to resort to plan B and take my ever reliable GPW. I blame myself for buying the Dodge via a dealers website based on emailed photos and description, something I will never do again. My nerves wouldn't stand it :-D I know underneath the problems there is a VERY original truck but it hides it well. One day I may bond with it but if not I am sure someone out there will. Thanks everyone see you in Normandy fingers crossed :thanx:
  15. I'm with Terry, I wanted a WW2 jeep but realised that they were getting beyond my budget, I very nearly bought a Hotchkiss instead but in the end went with my heart and bought a Ford GPW needing work, I found it easy to work on and I have never regretted getting the one I really wanted. The Hotchkiss jeep's are great vehicles and they are certainly newer than a MB or GPW but they are basically the same deep down so if you can work on a Hotchkiss you can work on a MB. Take someone who knows their jeeps when you go to look at one as there are many post war jeeps dressed as WW2 veterans out there. Either models are fine vehicles though and unlikely to lose money over time. Land Rover's are another good choice for a first MV, with excellent spares back up and many models to choose from. Whatever you choose you can be sure many people on here will help and advise you. Good Luck :-D
  16. I had exactly this problem with my GPW and like you put it down to fuel vapourisation it wasn't it turned out to be the coil breaking down I replaced it and no more problems.
  17. Thanks for all your words of encouragement it's why I love this site I will add " Check fuel filter " to the list and start again tomorrow. I hope it makes Normandy but its track record isn't great at the moment. I appreciate it's 72 years old so expect the not entirely unexpected, it will be nice when instead of adding jobs to the list I am ticking them off Tomorrow I will try and take it 20 -30 miles and if it makes that then we MAY go to the ball !
  18. Got radiator back two day turn round so highly recommended (CPA Radiators Grantham 01476 571404), spent all afternoon refitting it. Took the Dodge for a run got about 9 miles and ran out of fuel :banghead: The gauge doesn't work either Promising news is the temperature stayed at just below 140 f whereas before it was easily 180 f and rising, too early to say it's fixed but I will keep everything crossed and try again with fuel in this time Now if I can just keep the bloody thing running maybe we may get to Normandy after all. My wife reckons it must have had a bad D Day in '44 and doesn't want to go back ! I am now going for a lie down in a darkened room. :laugh:
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