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Everything posted by arcot1751

  1. Where do I start, I am working my way through a list that is added to daily, although the biggest issue at the moment is a sudden decision for it to overheat ! Bought from a dealer as a " very reliable, good runner" it is far from it at the moment.
  2. Glad you're sorted, I am in the same situation as you were and it is looking likely I will not get my Dodge sorted in time so I know how distressing it is. Enjoy your trip
  3. I have a ladder for both the Dodge AND the Chevy but my wife is really poorly right now and climbing up is difficult even with the ladder. The Dodge is easier for her though. Well I have told the others of the problems and it went down like a lead balloon :-( I have taken the radiator in to be re-cored and the guy said it was virtually completely blocked so at least there appears a cause of the truck running warm. I have serviced my jeep and trailer but have not got lifts organised for the other three once over in Normandy. They are travelling by car to Portsmouth anyway, it will be difficult with 5 in a jeep and I don't think the French police will like it :shocked: If I get the rad back and the Dodge road tested over a good few miles I may just get it there but I doubt it.
  4. Thanks Rosie, I will sort something hopefully but it won't be easy facing the other three of our group.
  5. Thanks Terry, I am trying to pluck up the courage to tell them I've let them down, not easy :embarrassed: I only changed from my Chevy G7107 to the Dodge as my wife is ill and cannot climb up into the Chevy rear anymore. Seems bad luck keeps on following us right now. Dave
  6. I have my Ford GPW and trailer which I would take anywhere and it has done Normandy before, but we promised a ride to three friends and the jeep isn't big enough. All in all a total mess and if I didn't laugh I would cry right now :undecided: I still have to tell them it's knackered. :cry:
  7. Well the Dodge won, it isn't going to make Normandy, went for a final shakedown today and it overheated badly, as this took precisely ten miles it certainly isn't up to crossing the channel :cry: This has in effect ruined our holiday and caused my bank balance to plummet even nearer life support mode I have just removed the radiator which was a three hour job with a lot of seized and rusted bolts and will take it into the local radiator specialist tomorrow but I'm afraid it is too late to salvage our holiday. I was going to take the thermostat out but can't shift the bolts holding the housing to the head and have no gas bottles to provide heat. The whole experience has been a nightmare and I could gladly push the thing off the ferry halfway over I can't believe this has happened but should have known as every single job I ticked off the list another three were added. All in all a VERY expensive mistake NEVER EVER take the sellers description as the truth, go check it out yourself. The Dodge WILL make a good truck for someone but that someone isn't me that's for sure. My days as a Dodge owner are effectively over.
  8. I had the same problem with my GPW during refurbishment we changed the coil to a new one, the jeep ran like a clock, hot and cold but was very difficult to restart once hot, I tried timing, carb, valve clearances. air leaks etc. I thought it was maybe fuel vaporisation and lived with it for a while. Last winter I decided to get it sorted once and for all I thought back to all we changed during the refurbishment and remembered the coil so I dug the original out and refitted it and hey presto the jeep runs perfectly I even realised it runs better at all temperatures than it did with the new coil fitted. Just because an items new doesn't mean it's ok same goes for condensers there are many faulty batches out there.
  9. Welcome to the HMVF from another South Linc's ex regular
  10. These rumours abound but I have never heard of anyone digging anything significant up, I would have thought the locals given the fact of the austerity Britain faced post war, would have been the first with the shovels but who knows These stories have to have started somehow so maybe there is stuff out there yet to be discovered, I for one would love to be proved wrong.
  11. Mine will be the one with a RAC van attached to it Seriously I am maybe doing the Dodge a disservice it looks like it hasn't had a spanner near it since '45 but all in all it is a good truck struggling to get out or so my other half says :-) As I work my way through it I'm growing to love it in a perverse sort of way. I am sure by the time we are Portsmouth bound it will be firing on all four I MEAN SIX ! :nut:
  12. We are on the MVT ferry hopefully The Dodge continues to fight me I think it prefers life in England and maybe gets seasick ! Exhaust done, then the brake lights packed up they are now sorted I have left it alone for a day or two on the grounds it can't break down if I don't touch it ! I think it's ready but time will tell we have promised to take three friends otherwise my wife and I would be much happier taking my jeep it never lets us down
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