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Everything posted by arcot1751

  1. I have a feeling that these jeeps are being taken to order too, no doubt to be shipped by container to a country where they are unlikely to be recognised. Jeeps are loved worldwide and easily sold on. When I saw your post I hoped you were reporting your jeep had been found unfortunately you weren't but I hope you have good news soon :-)
  2. Our local garage swears by a product called Steel Seal, apparently this is amazing stuff and has cured head gasket problems every time they've used it. It ain't cheap about £30 a bottle but may be worth trying ? I had a core plug go on my jeep in the middle of no where, wasn't good so if in doubt maybe changing is the way to go for peace of mind :undecided:
  3. Update on the ferry charges are that the ferry company has confirmed I paid at the Port and NO more is due. That is a relief to say the least. In answer to one post on here, yes I know the MVT person who organises things is unpaid and does this in his spare time, I had made it clear to him that I had no argument with him or the MVT in general but I was simply not prepared to pay twice for the same thing. Thankfully this has now been sorted amicably however I have to wait until the end of July for my refund for change of vehicle. :undecided: All in all sense has prevailed and thanks to Michael at the MVT :saluting:
  4. Hi Andy any chance you could send me the same please mate ? Thanks - Dave
  5. To be fair, I have only told my solicitor in case it is not sorted out, I have NOT started proceedings just asked advice. I do not intend to pay for something twice and I don't suppose many people would. I am in no way criticising the MVT man, but I am a little concerned I have had NO refund as promised and now to be presented with a bill for something I have already paid for is a bit rich. All in all if it gets sorted fine if it doesn't then somewhere along the way I am being charged twice for the same thing and that is something I am not prepared to stand by and let happen.
  6. To be fair I think mine originates from the Ferry Company rather than the MVT but they are the ones sending out the invoice. I paid EXTRA at the ferry terminal to travel early and as I said earlier I am not paying again, it's in the hands of my solicitor now. More than just us travelled early yet judging by the lack of response on here I am the only one being charged TWICE. Next time I travel independently and not with the MVT.
  7. I like probably many on here recently attended the 70th D Day anniversary celebrations in Normandy. We found ourselves at Sword Beach the afternoon before our planned return. We therefore decided rather than travel all the way back to the campsite only to return at 0430hrs the next morning we would ask the Ferry company if we could pay extra and catch that nights ferry. They explained there would be an extra charge of £102 but it was possible. As there was five of us we decided to pool our money and go for it, the ferry was delayed because of a strike and it turned out not to make a lot of difference to our arrival time in the UK after all, maybe six hours. Anyway fast forward to this Monday and the MVT contacted me to demand £104 because " You caught an earlier ferry" !!! I paid extra to travel on the earlier ferry and certainly do not intend to pay again, the ferry company actually owe ME money as I changed vehicle from the original paid for and the new vehicle was considerably smaller than the original, the MVT told me before we travelled I would be refunded the difference but it never happened :mad: Has anyone else been contacted by the MVT and told to pay TWICE ?
  8. You MAY need to MOT the bike on its frame number, as it is it's first registration then get a verification letter from a recognised body (MVT?) that it is what it purports to be. Send this with valid insurance again done on the frame number to DVLA along with completed form V55/5 (available only via Swansea) and registration fee £55?. If you deal with Chris Brook at the MVT he is a mine of information and a great help you, providing you do EXACTLY as he suggests, should have no trouble getting your bike registered. Contact Chris he will advise you better than I can. Good luck
  9. Does anyone here know if the jeep stolen from Pickering War Weekend showground a couple of years back was ever recovered ? It was taken during the day with hundreds of people around ! :mad:
  10. Well said, as they say hindsight is a wonderful thing. This jeep was stolen from its rightful owner and my sympathies lie with him. I hope he gets it back and the thieves get punished big time. If people can break into banks they can steal a jeep wherever it's kept, I've heard of large capacity motorcycles being lifted over two cars in a garage to be stolen, these people don't care what damage they do to steal something.
  11. There's a guy up the road from me, old school engineer who welded a manifold for me which was pretty much scrap. If you need his number let me know and I will PM it to you. He's based near Sleaford Lincs, but you could always post or courier it to him.
  12. We are a fairly close knit community, someone somewhere will surely hear or suspect something if so guys do the right thing and get this jeep back to its rightful owner. Unfortunately with the rising price of WW2 kit and jeeps in particular this could happen to any of us, imagine losing your own pride and joy it would be heart breaking. This was stolen from the mans property whether it was a field or a garage doesn't matter someone has gone on private property and taken what doesn't belong to them, lets help get it back if at all possible. Here's hoping for a happy ending
  13. I too hope the b**tards are caught and punished and you get your jeep back safe and sound. I have myself been the victim of theft although not on your scale but I do sincerely understand the pain you are going through, good luck :-(
  14. Thanks, I was afraid I would have to remove the gearbox It looks like a job for a garage then as due to a RTA a few years ago I have very limited use of my left arm and hand. Better start trying to find someone able to do it and start saving :-D
  15. Hi Gordon, Thanks for the advice ref Dallas Auto's, I hoped there would be a hatch at the top of the bell housing but you can't see it as the bell housing is hidden by the bulkhead ! Thank you Tony for the diagrams very helpful also :-D
  16. Thanks Tony, I spent today taking the floor up in the vain hope I could reattach the spring from the top but couldn't see anything ! Do you know if it is possible ANY way other than by removing either the engine or gearbox ? It seems a hell of a lot of work just to re-hook a spring. I cannot see the top of the bell housing but wondered if there was a removable inspection cover that would let me see into the clutch. I even thought about carefully cutting out a section of bulkhead to gain access and re-welding it back afterwards but decided that was too extreme :-D All I need is a way to get the retaining spring back on, any ideas ????????????
  17. The NOVA is a must or you will not be able to start the registration process, I recently imported a Dodge WC 52 from Holland and I had to fill the NOVA form in within 14 days of the vehicle arriving in the UK. DVLA would not do anything without confirmation of this being done.
  18. I think you will need to fill in a NOVA form to prove duties paid if due to HMRC :undecided:
  19. Welcome to the HMVF John, after 24yrs in mate you're hardly a newbie
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