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Everything posted by arcot1751

  1. I would be interested if you don't buy Bill
  2. Bigger stuff is maybe a little dearer than your budget now days but never say never something may come up. As I say my Landie cost me near your budget well I took it in part ex to be honest but that is what I allowed on it. I won't be keeping the FFR but as my wife says " It's green, you had to have it " ! Good luck if you can't find something via this site I will be surprised
  3. The term "agricultural" use has been changed to "limited" use now, many people use various machines/vehicles in agriculture/forestry not just tractors but quads, Land Rovers, Uni Mogs etc. I think the mileage involved would stop you using this anyway. I have just bought a really nice 109 FFR Land Rover for around £2000 it is a proper MV so usable for shows etc and again they have the advantage of cheap spares being readily available. Yes the prices ARE going up but that means if you looked after yours there is no reason why in a couple of years it won't be worth the same or more than you paid for it. Get an ambulance version and you have a camper Fit a 200tdi engine which is easy peasey and you have the advantage of diesel mpg too.
  4. Red diesel IF the tanks are drained before road use or if you can legitimately prove " limited use " ie under a certain number of miles a trip to and from land owned or rented by you. as per some agricultural vehicles. Licence should be fine up to 7.5t. MPG yes figures sound about right depending again on use expect less if off roading hard. Classic policies may or may not cover you off road so make certain before purchase. Recovery is free with some classic policies BUT there is often a restriction on size/weight of vehicle so worth checking. Buying Red diesel can be a problem now with plenty of forms to fill out at some garages but again you may only use this on the road VERY short distances unless you are engaged in permitted works such as agriculture.
  5. Maybe we could all chip in to save it, and use it to promote the HMVF and raise money for RBL etc ? I have storage space if that's an issue. Just a thought, it seems too good to scrap !
  6. Series Land Rover fits the bill, cheap spares, cheapish to buy, easily maintained and great fun off road. Start to get bigger stuff and parts can be dear and then there are the higher running costs involved. A LWB Series 3 FFR is a nice entry level truck and probably the cheapest MV option
  7. Welcome to the HMVF Bob, Lance ? Now that takes me back ! Any pictures ??
  8. Welcome to the HMVF, I've just bought a '79 Series 3 109 FFR
  9. A pre-war Morris sounds exciting enough to me, any pictures ? Welcome along
  10. arcot1751


    I agree they probably have asbestos in and are therefore a hazard to health although it is the dust created that I believe is the danger so while they are undisturbed in their boxes I can see little danger. The problem is when they are used and the drums have brake dust in, then when you are changing them you MUST wear a proper mask and avoid the dust at all cost. I suppose it depends how rare they are and if you make anyone using them aware that they will contain asbestos hence a mask is essential where any dust is present. People are more aware now of the risks involved so hopefully care would be taken because of this.
  11. :rotfl:Sums it up to a T Tony. I once had someone in at most a £2k car say to me why do you drive that old jeep why not save up and buy a newer car ! I didn't have the heart to tell him
  12. Thanks again, I have been going through things and found the bottom fuse appeared to work the indicators once removed the hazards worked again but obviously the indicators didn't. I found NO live going to the column switch so I ran a new live via fuse box to the switch and everything works again ?? :undecided:
  13. NO it stays on with flasher removed !!! I have now got no light on but neither side indicator works now ! BUT the hazards are working ? I appear to have no live from fuse to indicator switch on column, which colour is the live feed to it ?
  14. Hi Clive, Thanks for that, I disconnected the WHOLE hazard warning light switch by pulling the plug from the back and the lights STAYED on ??? I am struggling to get the individual wires you suggested disconnected as they appear part of the plug ?? The wiring appears bodge free and as I say one side works fine any thoughts ?
  15. Hi there, My newly acquired MV has decided to spit its dummy and light up the left side indicators permanently ! I got up this morning and noticed despite the ignition being off and the key in the house that during the night the left hand indicators had lit up :embarrassed: They stay on all the time irrespective of indicator switch position, the right hand indicators work normally the hazard switch lights up along with all four lights but they do not flash ?? The only way I could get the lights out was to disconnect the battery, the truck is running fine and when I left it the lights were not on they have come on on their own during the night. Even switching to convoy fails to switch them off. Anyone any ideas or can anyone suggest a good auto electrician in the South Lincs area please ?
  16. When I bought my GPW a few years back it had been a long time ambition to own one and also to take that vehicle to Normandy and visit the beaches to pay my respects. I did a few local shows after giving the jeep a complete service and then decided to go for it. Obviously I took spares such as coil, points, condenser, rotor arm, etc and a decent amount of tools, oil, brake fluid, anti freeze etc. My wife and I set off on our own not in a group and firstly made our way to the Somme to visit the First World War sites before driving nearly seven hours solid in a day to Pegasus Bridge and beyond. The jeep ran like a clock with only one problem in the whole 10 days when a wire chafed through on the bulkhead. This was a wire the previous owner had fitted to enable the brake lights to work without them having to be turned on each time as they were originally. He had poked the wire through a bare hole (no grommet) ! I soon sorted that and were on our way, so the only problem I had was man made NOT the jeeps fault. I didn't need any oil or for that matter 99% of my tools so long trips no longer hold any fear for me. In fact to be honest when I look back I surprised myself by just going for it but I am of the belief if a jeep was good enough when the bullets were flying it's good enough for anything. I certainly do not think any WELL MAINTAINED older vehicle is incapable of making longer journeys if treated with respect and driven with the understanding of their capabilities. I would drive my jeep anywhere safe in the knowledge that unlike modern electronic laden modern stuff I can fix it should the need arise so my advice to anyone unsure of the viability of using their MV day to day is go for it what's the worst that can happen ? Life is for living not for worrying
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