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john wheatley (R.I.P.)

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Everything posted by john wheatley (R.I.P.)

  1. I remember about thirty years ago taking my oldest boy who is grown up with a child of his own to see the Menin Gate and reading the memorials to the Unaccounted For. Every country which was in the Empire at that time is represented. One that has allways stayed with me is Malaysian Bicycle regiment. A very sobering thought to consider those poor men, perhaps some of whom had never seen such conditions before and transported to a foreign land to just dissapear and to have no known grave. Truly the other side of the hobby we all enjoy. If we do have an expedition next year to go there then please count me in. John.
  2. Dear Mrs. HF, It takes little initiative to troll up to any perfume counter anywhere in the world and ask for Chanel no.5 but to spend time digging in some farmers turnip field braving the dangers of WW1 & 2 unexploded debris, well that takes dedication and thought. What more can I add ! What more could a girl ask? PS anyone who can guess why I am on my own then write the reason on a £10 note and give to me at W & P :whistle: Regards, John.
  3. Hi George, Who did you buy the paint from? John.
  4. Hi Fred, I'll be looking to park Bertha in America's Field with a HMVF plate in the windscreen, come say hi :beer: :tup: Regards, John
  5. Gaskets from John Walker in Nottingham. Regards, John
  6. I think it is the same as the 15cwt morris, If that's correct then I can let you have a copy of the w/shop manual if you think that will help. :rtfm: John
  7. If Bodge has some cracking ideas for mugs will he use a hammer or just drop them and see what happens? :whistle: John
  8. If it's any help, I spray on Thompsons Waterseal from B & Q :whistle: John.
  9. What can one usefully add!! :schocked: John.
  10. Hi Rick, Drifting off topic a bit but that's the first pics. i've seen of what you started with. Will she be ready for W & P and what will you christen her? Regards, John.
  11. Nout wrong with stokers, as an ERA I remember that stokers were usefull to clean white overalls and take things apart for tiffies to mend. :-D John.
  12. Regret reading this post before going to the loo (Nurse, my bag's leaking again!!!) :whistle: John.
  13. As this is a family forum and in view of the previous posts concerning where one likes to expose ones bucket I shouldn't say that hanging from the mirror could possibly mean that one likes to see ones chum coming from behind :whistle: John.
  14. The card round a case of Guinness works just as well but you have to empty the case first. John.
  15. Glad Dougiebader sent that last message, this was starting to sound like one of the M O's lectures on going ashore in foreign ports :nono: John.
  16. I think they are punishments for trying to jump the queue for H M V F clothing :whistle: John.
  17. I knew (not in the biblical sense I hasten to add) some blokes at sea who wore skirts and sandals. They used to say once a queen always a queen :schocked: John.
  18. Well done Paul, the 24 year old girl wouldn't be Gwendolene from The April 1st thread would it? :whistle: John.
  19. I remember as a boy seeing a photo of a London Transport Routmaster bus on four china teacups, it's all to do with the distribution of weight. I am quite willing to empty four beer bottles for anyone who wishes to try the jeep on a bottle trick at W & P. You know me, all heart. :whistle: John.
  20. No. 6 Monty Python? :whistle: John.
  21. I think Desert Victory was about the battle of El Alemain and I think I've got it somewhere on tape, It's in black and white and it shows the British troops, I don't remember seeing a yank which makes a change. :oops2: When my boys were little they liked Captain Scarlett and the Misterons :whistle: John.
  22. And there's me thinking he was our dad! :whistle: John.
  23. Has anyone seen a price list for the bits yet? :dunno: John.
  24. I think the film about the St. Nazaire Raid was called The Gift Horse John.
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