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john wheatley (R.I.P.)

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Everything posted by john wheatley (R.I.P.)

  1. The size of your private parts is of no concern to us, unless it's jealousy. John. :sleep:
  2. Hi Rick, Have sent you an e-mail of some pics. If they don't arrive then let me know and I will try again. John. :computerterror:
  3. modesty prevails Dear Chums, modesty prevails :naughty: John
  4. In my younger days there were still some girls who wore bloomers with elastic round the waistband and each leg, the ones I seemed to go out with had bloomers made by Dover Marquee Company and had substituted razor wire for the leg elastic. I bear the scars to this day :cry: John
  5. A somewhat bizarre form of camo. if I may make so bold. :-o John
  6. Let's not be unkind to our neighbours and think of all the good things they gave to us, letters, calvados and not forgetting knickers without the wrist-cutting elastic. :yawn2: John.
  7. Does Jack wear his underpants over his trousers when he flies? :-o John.
  8. Seem to remember a bint in Port Said fourty years ago who for ten akkers would strap on something similar and make all our eyes stand out. Any help? :-o John.
  9. Will we have an official logo we can download to put in the windscreen by then? :whistle: John.
  10. Bertha and I will be causing havoc on the roads with our steady 40 mph. on sunday so hope to see you there. :tup: John.
  11. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all, by the way, do we all have to raise one to Mrs. HFerret this evening, I would have liked a little more notice at my age you know :-) Hope to meet up with a load of you at W & P this year(but not Mrs. HFerret if she has a poor sense of humour) John.
  12. Hi all, The guy in Kent could well be Andrew Hemsley at The Woodstove Shop at Wildwood just outside Canterbury, his phone no. is 01227 711788. With regard to the photo I can see that it is pulled by a tractor. Does that help? I shall be so glad when Specsavers opens in Dymchurch! Happy New Year to you all. John. :whistle:
  13. Hi Rick, As long as the engine is sound then the rest although fiddly is not too bad to restore, suggest you just keep ploddin' on and you will have a great little vehicle. :tup:
  14. Hi Rick, Looks like you have quite a job on your hands there, that will keep you out of the pub for a while. Good luck, John. ;-)
  15. I fitted an in-line converter which is plumbed in between where the two tank pipes to make a common feed and the carb. so I can use unleaded fuel and I use Redex as an additive and Bertha chugs along quite happily. :eek2: MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all and all the best for 07. May all your engine problems be imaginary. :wave:
  16. Is that why we have turkey for Christmas :-D I see I'm now a lance corporal, does that mean I must now act responsibly, at 60 it might be just a tad too late you know :beer:
  17. If she seems ok at 40 then I would strongly suggest that you leave well alone or you may go :oops2:
  18. Hi Richard, Suggest a gentle 60 lb and for the firing orde 1 3 4 2 with 1 being nearest to radiator. :rtfm: Have you got a manual for the 4 cylinder engine yet?
  19. Assuming it is the I M P S trip Bertha will be there too :hug:
  20. To go back to the suggestion by Enigma about a meeting after hours at the W & P, I go along with that. Last year I sellotaped a copy of the H M V F logo in Bertha's windscreen and invited any members to come say hello, as everyone seems to have witty or weird log-in names I don't know who I was talking to. The only person I know by name is my old friend Richard upon whose doorstep I regularly turn up with my probs. so yes, let's do that, and if it comes to a photo shoot then Bertha would be just as proud to stand next to a modern Landie as a WW2 half track, Failing that we could meet and shake hands over a glass of meths (for Rose or red wine drinkers a drop of Redex should colour it up nicely) :beer:
  21. strongly suggest you choose your women and let him choose his, after all can you come all round the world in one night? Also I would like him to bring me a new set of brake drums for Bertha so I must stick up for him. :-D
  22. You have no sense of adventure, try one at each end and you could be in for a merry christmas. P S Q. Why do all the women love Santa? Ans. 'cause he only comes but once a year and when he does, he fills your stocking! :-o
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