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john wheatley (R.I.P.)

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Everything posted by john wheatley (R.I.P.)

  1. Hi Tony B, Many thanks for help :tup:: All I need now is how to put Bertha's pic. back with my name :confused: Regards, John.
  2. Hi Gang, I can't find the dancing girls and all the funny faces and bits that we used to put after our messages. Regards, John.
  3. Hi John, First let me say that it doesn't matter what she looks like now, it's what she looks like when she's finished that folk look at. I think you are safe going with the Z number that you have in mind. With regard to the history if you don't have the old time log book which shows all previous owners then I can only suggest that you contact the previous owner and try to work back from him one step at a time. If you need it I have a copy of the origional workshop manual which I have put on CD so if you would like one then let me know your address and I will send you one, will only cost you a pint when we meet. Regards, John.
  4. I wholeheartedly support that statement. John.
  5. So it wasn't me hitting the wrong button after a guinness quality controll session.
  6. Hi John(the other one), You'll make it this time, third time lucky. See you there :wave: John
  7. :goodidea:I like the idea of a Morris C8 Club this year, I know of a guy called Keith Brooker in M V T who has one and sometimes goes, I took a photo about 2 years ago at W&P with five C8s with the Battery and that was quite impressive :-o John.
  8. Simon, If you still have her when the W & P comes around then I would be proud to take a photo of her and Bertha for my album. Have you christened her yet? John.
  9. Be fair guys, you have to go a long way to beat our kewelde when it comes to our vehicular history and knowledge :coffee2: John.
  10. Simon, What a great piece of restoration and what a shame that you have to part with it after all that TLC :sweat: John
  11. I think part of the pleasure of this forum is that no matter what the subject, we have the ability to cheerfully womble off at a tangent in whatsoever direction takes our fancy, long may it continue, Also long may the wisdom of the moderators last to temporally bring us back to the straight and narrow(till the next time) :hug: John.
  12. You told me Beltring would be fun :angry:
  13. I read the first post which was the result of a bicycle ride in Norfolk, I blame it on these new bike saddles, they play havoc with one's bearings :shake: John.
  14. Seems a good idea to me as long as who roped off all the pitches opposite the toilets on America's field ages before the show started leaves a pitch for me and my dodgy bladder :whistle: John.
  15. Hi Jules, The master cylinder is a standard Lockheed 1 1/4 but there were as I remember there were two vehicles which took the same body with different fixings, only two holes lined up. I think it's the top two. Hope that helps, Regards, John.
  16. These Jumbo Portaloos don't half hold a lot but they do hustle :help: John
  17. Costings, so much issued per no. crew per fixed period of time? :nut: John.
  18. Hi Tony, Dear old Bertha still in bits, engine still with Gosneys, if I knew how to post photos I would send some. Regards, John :-(
  19. Hi Gang, Try Warhorse in Dover 01304 823341 http://www.warhorsetradingpost.com Regards, John. ;-)
  20. Hi Jules, I have a spare one if all else fails. Regards, John.
  21. Gosh, all this corruption and me just an innocent sailor boy! ;-) John.
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