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john wheatley (R.I.P.)

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Everything posted by john wheatley (R.I.P.)

  1. Bertha and I often get saluted by motorists who have been stuck behind us for miles, sometimes they salute with one finger, sometimes with two! :evil:
  2. A good BRITISH ww2 Morris 15cwt. puts all this naff yank and post ww2 tatt to shame. But then it's possible that i'm bias. :nut:
  3. Hi Richard, Fairly sure I have a spare condenser in my bits box, if you can wait till about Thursday which is my day off then I will dig it out and let you know. John, :rtfm:
  4. Hi Mark, Putties were made of cloth and wrapped around the ankles whereas gaiters were made of canvas, the American type had a strap which went under the boot just in front of the heel and the British type went around the ankle and were secured by two straps much the same as the straps on the back of a British lorry canvas only smaller. if I had a shilling for every time i've had to clean a pair I would have a fleet of lorries instead of just Bertha. :wave:
  5. H Liam, I have a morris 15cwt. and have w/shop manuals and a few contacts for spares etc. so if you need any help then let me know, :wave: John.
  6. Re. 900 x 16 tyres, try Andrew Hemsley at The Woodstove Shop at Wild Wood on the A 291 out of Canterbury. Shop no. 01227 71178 I think. House no. 01227 860583. He also does inner tubes but I don't know about flaps. :wave:
  7. There is nothing wrong with Worzel Gummidge, we both use the same Divisional Tailor and our turn-out is immaculateand has to be seen to be believed. :tup:
  8. Try Vintage Supplies or Complete Automobilist at http://www.completeautomobilist.com :tup:
  9. What can one usefully add ! :schocked:
  10. Is he allowed to say that on a site viewed by ladies, children and others of a delicate disposition ? :-o
  11. I nearly got a black belt in origami, does that count?
  12. was sad to hear about your back,reckon it is mandatory in the mv game. There was an ointment called Wintergreen for rubbing on backs etc. was good stuff, t'would burn the b----cks :argh: off a bull but I don't know if it's still around now. Keep smiling, John.
  13. Hi Berni, As I was quoted a price of twice that amount you have done me a favour. Many thanks, John. :thankyou:
  14. Hi gang, Anybody got any ideas about what is a fair price for a blank firing mk.4 sten gun? :? John.
  15. Call me a cynical old merchant seaman if you wish, but how strange that the price of petrol has gone down now that the kids are back at school and no-one is going on holiday! :-o John.
  16. I seem to remember when I was a kid, some of the oldtimers in Burmarsh talking about a bolthole near there where some home guard soldiers were supposed to hole up if there had been an invasion and wait until the Germans had passed before surfacing to create havoc until they were killed. Don't know exactly where it was but it might be a lead worth following. John.
  17. With much more global warming Aberdeen could well have palm trees also :-o
  18. I live in Dymchurch, on the Kent coast, if I was any further south I would have gills and webbed feet. I would look like one of Dr. Who's monsters. :evil: Some say I do. :cry:
  19. According to the map I live in Washington in America. Never was much good with a computer :cry:
  20. |Bertha is a 1944 Morris 15cwt. and I thought fitting a servo might improve the braking which is bordering on pathetic. John.
  21. Many thanks for the diagram, is there a simpler way for an idiot like myself who does his repairs in the garden shed and wouldn't know where to get the pressure gauges and air supply needed? The only pressure gauge I own is the one I use to check my tyres. :?
  22. external measurements are about 6" deep by 7 1/2 " across, any help?
  23. I have com across a Lockheed brake servo marked 114751C, possibly a part number. Any ideas how I can check it without plumbing it in to see if it works. Also if it works, how do I plumb it in? :? :?
  24. http://[ftp]][/ftp] Anything happened Jack? John
  25. Hi Jack, When I right click it only seems to work on the catagorys in bold type and copy and paste were not bold typed. John.
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