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Everything posted by Stormin

  1. Trying to save mine til winter when it's not fit to work outside!
  2. Was that a left over from the upholsterers?
  3. Could've been a False Widow, Several species, some form the same family, look similar to the Black widow. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steatoda_grossa
  4. Sounds like you were better of not dealing with the arrogant prat for any longer than necessary. You'd have been tempted to run over his toes just for the hell of it.
  5. I would say those wings are saveable with a bit of work. Even if you have to get someone else to do them. I would be having a go myself. Small patches at a time butt welded in then grind flush. You may lose the shape slightly around the patches but seeing as they co-incide with the mounting brackets it shouldn't be that noticeable. I know you'll want them right as the quaity of the rest of the truck is top notch, but you could always change them later on if you're not happy with them. Seems vintage wings and radiators may be the only place making them new as they're the only ones mentioned on the Scammell owners forum. If you've got a unique product you can pretty much charge what you want.
  6. Think you'll find it's something reasonably modern, you're not allowed to take a test in a truck without ABS now!
  7. I think the more popular or common the vehicle, the more information is published on them. More for people to take in and remember, rightly or wrongly. Then more ammunition to offend people with. Get a less common or preferably unique vehicle would be the only way to reduce the problem .Even then you could still meet the village idiot. :banghead:
  8. At a guess number five inlet valve was open when parked up. Any moisture running in the inlet manifold only had one place to go and washed all the debris in. Hopefully the bores are not too bad. Can they can be re-sleeved or not?
  9. Those Samco ones have hex head slotted drive screws! The ones Jim wants are round and slot drive only.
  10. Just came across this interesting bit on BBC news site. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/8082778.stm Quite short but still good.
  11. Try telling that one to Ivan with his MJ, he's had no end of problems getting it tested without!
  12. Looks like a good days work! Surely you firemen are used to a bit of heat? I'd do as Chris suggests, sounds like you may have overstressed a few of the bolts and they won't like it.
  13. Don't suppose anyone can identify/source this one then :whistle: Not off a Scammell. Writing reads `A1205 - L324'
  14. Some justification for those six large pipes out the rear then :bow: :bow: :bow:
  15. Glad I didn't turn up, in a way, would'ver been awkward with the family as well. Shame really as there were a few different vehicles from other events I've been to. Will the field recover and the event be held in the same location again next year? Is it always in the same fields and subject to the same problems?
  16. Yes as already stated, Leyland Hippo Tanker. I caught a photo of the same vehicle at Banks Rally Southport, here:- http://www.hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showpost.php?p=137099&postcount=9
  17. That's a very sleek looking boat. Don't know if it's faster than Catweazle's, but it'd win the boy racer contest by virtue of those exhausts
  18. If your looking for one at Witham's, probably the most likely source, get them to start it up and at least move it a few feet for you. A lot that are sat there probably haven't run in a while or have bits missing. When I bought my MJ we saw about half a dozen started and running before I decided which to bid on.
  19. Fantastic! No sign of these trucks, then two appear on the forum almost at once. You'll be able to compete against yourself with the Scammell in off road truck trials. Did you use the Pioneer to drag it into the barn? Have you got the missing bits of engine?
  20. All right I was getting carried away, hadn't realised they weren't introduced til 1955 despite starting design in 1944. Bet there's a few jeeps in Normandy that were made later than that. Is the basic running gear not the same as the smaller Centurion, just with a more powerful engine?
  21. If it needs restoration and particularly £150,000 worth it may be a long time before he needs to move it anywhere. You offering your services with the Antar, by any chance Mike? :whistle: You'd have to give serious consideration to what is probably a once in a lifetime opportunity to own such a vehicle. Although it sounds like a lot of work and a lot of money, if you've got the time and can keep the enthusiasm to spread it over say 10 years or more, it seems more doable. What's the rush? (Normandy 75th?)
  22. Wherever you get them from be prepared to pay a premium price compared with metric! Most nuts & bolts are valued by weight but when you get to the lesser used imperial sizes, especially large or unusual threads the cost goes up. Suspect it's the reverse case over in the US.
  23. That's good to here. I had absolutley no wish to polish the air brake pipes on my Ward, despite encouragement from a few `friends'.
  24. Looking fantastic Jim! Are you going to go over those bare metal nuts with more paint or is the intention to leave them bare but oiled up? Don't worry to much about the lack of polished alloy on the engine, I'm sure it's correct for a military spec model. You've still got a few brass and copper bits to polish, if there's not enough already on your Sentinel.
  25. I was at Elvington recently and although it was a bit of a disappointment to only get the one BBMF machine and not the full quota, it was still a great few minutes. I'm quite sure that Spitfire came right over our heads on the final pass before waving it's wings too. I'd much rather see and here them in action any day than they be sat in a museum gathering dust. There's so few of these historically important machines left flying, particularly the Lancaster that they should recieve priority funding. I can't think of many better causes. I'd add the Vulcan to the list too, not forgetting what an important role it played in the early days of the Falklands war.
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