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Everything posted by Stormin

  1. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Like the government is going to pass up the opportunity to gain a bit more cash off someone! Especially seeing as they're awash with spare cash at the moment.
  2. Looking very good. Glad to see you are keeping up the enthusiasm even on these cold winter days. What are you using to clean up the chassis and axles? Whatever it is is doing a fine job.
  3. Good to finally see one complete. I've been following this thread for some time and not actually looked what a complete vehicle looks like. Front wheels look a bit small for the rest of the truck, are they original? Bulkhead looks different than yours too. I seem to remember curved sides and top to yours. That one looks like a flat sheet with only shaping on the top. Did they change over the years?
  4. Is it now possible to take your H licence whilst sat in a van then? :rofl:
  5. Having a square hole in the centre means these original wheels have probably found far more uses on other machines or farm implements where a bit more leverage was required. Square drives are extremely common on old lathes / milling machines and probably even mangles, more so than the harder to cut splines. As for making a replica I wouldn't have thought it that expensive to get a suitable steel tube ring rolled to form a rim and then do the indents yourself. How about local heating with a torch then hammer a piece of round bar onto the heated area. The interesting area is how is the steel rim attached to the aluminium spokes?
  6. Want to get there fast (relatively) but don't mind spending the extra money on fuel, it's got to be petrol. Want to run it as cheap as possible and not bothered about speed, go with a diesel.
  7. Any more progress on the Pioneer or is the young one taking up all the time and money?
  8. I'll second Antar Mike, You can never have too many projects!
  9. Well most of us on here are blokes. We don't ask for directions, and don't generally read instruction manuals.
  10. "Advanced editor?" I've only just found out this exists and changed my settings. Should make adding smilies easier than having to refer to the FAQ list. I guess it's also how people manage to get photo's within the text rather than a block afterwards. Why isn't this the default editor when registering for the forum? If only I'd read the instructions earlier! :embarrassed:
  11. Full of readies? You must be selling too many tents!
  12. Surely if the trailer is correct and pre 1960 and used unladen then it should be driveable on a car licence, pre 199-- whatever. I'm sure someone else will know for certain.
  13. You splashed out all that hard earned then? Or did someone come along wanting to by a truck load of tents?
  14. Looks lovely. Unfortunately, I guess, it'll be hidden away and never seen.
  15. Seem to remember there was a spread on MJ's not too long ago. Just before I went and bought mine I think.
  16. Wow those wheel rims look like new! Wish mine were that good. Looks like it's all coming along very nicely. The photo's you've posted of the seat box have proved useful to me, thanks very much.
  17. Big advantage of no-gas migs with the flux cored wire is you can weld outside in the breeze and not worry about the shielding gas blowing away. If you only weld very occasionally then even with the high cost of the wire it may work out more economical than renting gas bottles. Most people myself included seem to find rent free gas bottles and cheap refills rather than going to BOC or Air products. Although BOC do seem to have come up with DIY friendly offers recently. Get the dual mig set, clarkes are well regarded and you shouldn't go too far wrong if you change your mind, start using it a lot more or come across some cheap gas. See here for more info:- http://www.mig-welding.co.uk/
  18. Think you'll struggle if they're purchased from the tender sale or auction they don't seem to want to know. I think you should easily find a more competitive rate elsewhere.
  19. 50 of them at Whitam's apparently. Not much chance of one of them sneaking under DVLA's radar. Not after that well publicised case down South of tracked armour shenanigans.
  20. Supply and demand. If they let it be known they have 50 to get rid of then the values would fall like a stone. Releasing them to the buying public slowly, maximises the value. Don't see the problem with buying blind as long as you don't expect any more than it meets the description. The words not the picture are the important thing. If it doesn't meet the description when you go to pay, don't pay, or quote the sale of goods act. I wouldn't expect to get one road registered either after the problems Neil had with his overwidth tracked vehicle. That must surely limit the values compared to the more common 432's already out there and road legal.
  21. I belive there's a very nice Ward La France just become available!
  22. I'm in the same position my 2 year old lad is tractor mad. Only shows a passing interest in my military stuff. Put a few bids in on tractor projects on Ebay but really must finish my other stuff first. Wide wings on the Fordson would indicate early war years, I believe they were narrowed to save steel later on.
  23. Probably cheaper to hire a mini digger, if there's a few of you doing it, than put fuel in a 432.
  24. Yes Steve they were done hot, warmed insitu with the oxy-propane torch. Didn't fancy trying to manouvre hot rivets through the bracket and chassis with tongs. Just used a large piece of round copper bar over the round head, no recess and not too much distortion. The outside is just hammered flat into a countersunk hole in the chassis and finished flush with a grinder.
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