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Everything posted by ashley

  1. The only vehicle i have seen locally was a .............jeep of 1939--1945 age which was slightly modified (entrance panels cut out make it easier to get in and out was brought back to the U.K by the son of a chap who i believe lives in Weymouth i met him last year at a local show and next time i meet him i`ll try and get more info. Ashley
  2. Welcome Gareth and Lorriane. to HMVF i am sure you will enjoy it here, thanks for the links to your vehicles, very nice indeed. Ashley
  3. Hi David, and welcome to the forum, my father was at Colchester or so he mentioned once, but in those days he was busy `whitewashing heaps of coal`only for the Sgt. to move a piece, spot some black so he had to shovel it into another heap and start whitewashing again, My only voluntary clash with the `redcaps` was a frequent (after hours) chase from Bulford to Tidworth across country me ( the innocent one) on an unregistered Triumph Tiger Cub, the true villains (MP`s ) in a 850 mini they nearly caught me on several occasions but thats another story :-D So is your landie marked up as MP or are you choosing something else. If someone called Jack crosses your path `cuff im` and tell him to get a real mans vehicle :roll: :roll: :pfrt: :pfrt: Ashley
  4. Hi all, i can see what i belive to be a group of three persons on the left.....but also mid centre ther seems to be a man sitting in the road as if he is eating his supper 9ie fish and chips) from a wrapper. Ashley
  5. Hi all, what i can see is the guy as described....... on his left is the shape of another person taller stockier you can see his torso and legs and he appears to be wearing leggings/ waterproof garments, and under his right arm is the figure of a woman's head with long hair ...or have i put too much mustard on me corned beef butty ?????? Ashley
  6. whats the story here Enigma ?? i think i can see three figures here ? ashley
  7. Hi Remp, welcome to the forum, one question about german MV`s any Tiger tanks or panther tanks lying around going spare ????? :-D :-D :-D Ashley
  8. Hi Joris, all of these, along with other items like the cars from, 101 Dalmatians (Renault 5), quite a few `Herbie's` (VW) stage coaches, police cars and the odd submarine(type one British) Are in the movie set section, The other two jeeps and the WC are dotted around the Indiana Jones roller coaster. Ashley
  9. Hi all, on a recent visit to Disneyland Paris saw some MV`s 3 jeeps 1 wc i landrover plus others posted here, even one for the PW chaps. :pfrt: hopefully of intrest. Ashley :nut: :nut:
  10. Hi all, i have never seen or heard of jeep canvasses having a camouflage pattern applied to them, i would of thought these markings are from storage of the canvass off the vehicle or with the front section folded back. Ashley
  11. My jeep is known as " LIL HARRY" as this was the nickname of the previous owner (some one i have known for 20 Yrs) grandfather who served in WW2, apparently he was 6` 4" in height. So far i have not yet decided what guise/scheme to finish the jeep in yet, as both my grandfathers were Royal Navy, yet my father served post war from `51 to 75 in the Royal Engineers so i may take that course :dunno:. Ashley
  12. I was once told , that these type of vehicles were painted in such a bright colour scheme to prevent being mistaken as military/para military in some of the more hostile areas of the world (could be Brighton :-D ) Ashley
  13. Bying a jeep then Jack ?? :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D Ashley
  14. Anyways, isn't the saying, ' you've only as old as the person your feeling,'.............or summat like that.......................... :whistle: I`ll agree to that as my dear wife is 10 years younger than me, the things she has to put up with :-D Ashley
  15. Hi all, for me it would have to be a K4 or a Matador. Ashley
  16. Though not a private collection, but i know that Bovy has a running example of one of these. Ashley
  17. Hi Neil, be warned it is a spenders paradise and nothing is cheap :schocked: as your going in the height of season get the fast track tickets for the popular rides and one other saving we made (if your B+B) by the meal vouchers in advance, you could be wise to invest in the book ` a brits guide to Disneyland Paris` by simon and susan veness ISBN 0-572-03179-3 i borrowed a copy after booking but still found it very usefull. At least it was fairly quiet @ this time of year but August mmmmmm went to to one in Florida for me honeymoon and it was murder 2 hour queues in temp. of +95 degress PHEWWW Ashley
  18. After enduring, the`space mountain mission 2` roller coaster at gravity defying speed to loop the loop and corkscrewing several times this ride was completed 3 times in a one morning along with two trips on thunder mountain railroad, and finised off the day with a couple of trips on the `indiana jones temple of peril once i was the only one on there (creepy0 = many bruises Ashley
  19. Hi all, i to havebeen away for a few days.......... a bit closer to home, Disneyland Paris what a place, throughly enjoyed it even though its a bit thin on green machines. I have more bruised bits than i have had in ages !obviously enjoyed it too much. Ashley
  20. I know that the guy is now gone from this world, may he burn real good ! Ashley
  21. Yes, the crafty old goat played all the right cards and when he dealt them through my door (i.e little notes) i tore them up and posted them back through his letterbox. He then complained about refuse vehicles / day care vehicles not being able to turn around in the street (dead end street) but luckily i had already managed to get written conformation that this was not true. Bearing in mind at this time that i worked for a DLO (which was basically a private company half managed by the local authority ) He then claimed victimisation because the council at first told him to go away and stop being a pest and wasting their time All in all it got very nasty in the end and the feud lasted for approx 8-10 years resulting in me taking certain actions of which i am not proud of (non violent of course from my side) and i was glad to leave the place in the end. Ashley
  22. One note of caution ! i was taken to court several years ago by the local council for having my vehicle (a camper) parked on the public highway Taxed M.O.T` ed and insured yet done for obstruction of (a non useable car excess as proved in court) but still ordered not to park in the space for six months !!!! but guess where i parked exactly 6 months and 1 day later. Because i worked nights the neighbour had kept records of the vehicle being parked in the same place for over 6 months , ...... i walked to work during the day, so luckily i did not have to pay costs so accepted the punishment on the advice of my employer (the local council ) as they did not want the publicity. Ashley
  23. Hi ghasp, may be worth a check of the bylaws to see if he can do this with out planning permission ? if nothing else at least you could erect a form of shelter over your vehicle as protection from the weather canvas off he w`ont be able to see it !! Ashley
  24. These type`s of covenants (sp) are usually the norm on new builds but i belive (d`ont quote me on this ) they have a life span pf approx 25 yrs. Ashley
  25. As far as i know the German schwimmwagen was successful for its size and intended role and i for one would love one if anybody here has an example they want removed FOC. A
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