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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. One more Diamond T and you will have a Baseball Diamond !! Looking great , too bad its not a video so one could listen to the rumble of those fine engines .
  2. a second photo taken on the same vessel I believe , 24 hours or less from D-Day Troops and equipment en route, in preparation for Allied D-Day invasion of Normandy. Location: United Kingdom Date taken: June 1944 Photographer: David E. Scherman
  3. American soldiers embarked for D-Day American troops aboard transport ship en route to Normandy for the Allied D-Day invasion of France. Location: United Kingdom Date taken: June 05, 1944
  4. A period photo showing good detail of a number of things , are those British dog tags hanging from his neck or something else, including the armoured vehicle siren
  5. check this thread http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?t=12151&highlight=matting
  6. found these lights on the net perhaps they something you have been looking for ? http://www.hayesotoupalik.com/images/DSCF2360.jpg
  7. Looking good , would seem that the blasting unit worked just fine.
  8. All this talk of Dancing Girls .... When we should have been looking for Show Girls the real story behind this pic, Showgirls knitting garments during drive to provide goods to servicemen during the war. Location: United Kingdom Date taken: 1939
  9. A WWII period pic of a Autocar with a VERY-------> long ----->trailer Men transporting freight by a trailer truck. Location: India Date taken: 1943 Photographer: William Vandivert
  10. abn deuce

    Wwii c-46

    A very good pic of the terrain they flew over going from India to China. Not a flat spot on sight , pray the engines keep working . wish it were in color American C-46 transport flying "the Hump" a long, difficult flight over the Himalayas, to supply Chinese and other Allied troops in their fight against Japanese invasion of China Location: China Date taken: 1943 Photographer: William Vandivert
  11. a driving and realistic firing M60 from the folks down under who made the scale model Sherman with paint ball gun .This M60 can fire tennis balls with compressed air a good distance . The perfect answer to the pesky neighbour hood critters who soil your yard . Something went wrong...
  12. In #2 The locking ring has been welded and I would say they ran the cable through the interior of the hundreds of wooden blocks then anchored them with the nut and bolt connection that the turnbuckle is attached to. The other end of the cable is fastened on the right side around the spoke of the wheel hub, so the cable passes behind and to the right of the turnbucklemaking a complete circle and a bit more . Any thought about the wooden wheel on the fighter ? while the truck could operate at low speeds what of an aircrafts take off and touch down speeds ! amoung other hazards
  13. Thank You from me as well Runflat , Glad you found my posting of something that had much deeper roots than I could have known and for you to for adding the important details .
  14. Last one I have of armoured cars , perhaps these vehicles that have been identified should have a seperate thread ? I leave that to the Mods. what are these and what would their era be ? Men overhauling armoured cars at Curragh Camp. Location: Ireland Date taken: 1941 Photographer: William Vandivert
  15. here you go RGJ/H. Alan just follow the link and ir will explain the youtube posting process http://www.hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showpost.php?p=127152&postcount=329
  16. I found a few photo's of how inventive or desperate people got when the tire shortage happened to keep them from other wise using a vehicle for example keeping a business quite literally moving. 1. Man displaying hardwood tires for use on trucks in place of rubber tires; tires on left are new, those on right have driven 500 miles. Location: US Date taken: 1942 Photographer: Marie Hansen 2. Hardwood tire being used on truck in place of rubber tires. Location: US Date taken: 1942 Photographer: Marie Hansen And the need wasnt just in the USA seems this was tried in Great Britian as well . I can't imagine doing this except to move an aircraft from hanger to hanger but ??? who know's 3.
  17. :idea::goodidea::saluting:
  18. seems that the sheep have always been a force to reckon with as this pic shows how they were in WWII An enemy roadblock, disguised as sheep, holding up a "defender" dispatch car during wargames. Location: United Kingdom Date taken: 1901 Photographer: David E. Scherman (
  19. a flavor of Humber Pig to them isnt there .
  20. a brief sampling of some of the popular music of WWII Something went wrong...
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