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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. two clips of the story of the evacuation of young children from British cities in 1939 Something went wrong... Something went wrong...
  2. two short clips of a Allis Chalmers M4 HST unloading and manuvering . Something went wrong... Something went wrong... These clips are part of a collection of 43 videos listed under ASPHM , The Assoication of Safeguard of the Military Historical Heritage. A new museum apparently being orgainized in France
  3. Not sure if it the same bridge Bjorn , Its the same type for sure . I had not seen photo's of this type of construction before I found the photo I posted so its nice to find more pictures. I agree about the error in the "steam shovel" discription its still a phrase one hears about old cable operated excavators or "Steam Roller" today in my country even though the machines are clearly Diesel .
  4. VERY impressive !!! I take it that its a runner , what engine is in it ?
  5. You may rub and scrub but its too late the O.D. stain has gone to the bone.
  6. came across the real life example , how they did infact post warning of Unexploded bomb's during the Blitz London Air Raids DANGER UNEXPLODED BOMB sign at cordoned-off area in front of St. Paul's Church where a 1-ton, 8-ft. long time bomb was embedded & removed by a crew of bomb removers. Location: London, United Kingdom Date taken: September 1941 Photographer: Hans Wild
  7. British Army Engineers using steam shovels to clear debris from the streets, the aftermath of heavy bombardment and the long bitter struggle against the Germans for the town. Location: Cassino, Italy Date taken: May 19, 1944 Photographer: George Silk
  8. second photo same location British Army Engineers using steam shovels to clear debris from the streets near wrecked tank, the aftermath of heavy bombardment and the long bitter struggle against the Germans for the town. Location: Cassino, Italy Date taken: May 19, 1944 Photographer: George Silk
  9. Very good action shot of clearing debris , note the men standing atop an over turned tank British and South African Army engineers using bulldozer to clear a road through the utterly devastated town of Cassino, site of hard fighting between Allies & Germans and very heavy Allied bombing. Location: Cassino, Italy Date taken: May 1944 Photographer: Carl Mydans
  10. Of course the date is wrong should be 1941 ? A defending infantryman hiding between the wall of a building and a telephone booth during wargames. Location: United Kingdom Date taken: 1901 Photographer: David E. Scherman
  11. Enigma I thought you would like the helmets of the medic here and the one on the bridge crossing
  12. Found this site while searching online , they do have a photo collection but permission must be gotten for any photo's to be copied or used . Still and interesting site to search through online http://www.awm.gov.au/
  13. found this link with three photos , two of them are burned hulks and the other photo is very poor , scroll well down the page which also lists a Frence archive but I can't read French it seems one must join to view http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=73232&start=1260&st=0&sk=t&sd=a Or this site all about Morris vehicles lists the CS8 the C4 and C8 http://www.geocities.com/vk3cz/index.html no photo's of the C8 I did locate this Russian page on Morris commerical but can't get Babel fish to translate it one photo of a C8GS http://slovari.yandex.ru/dict/milauto/article/338.htm#
  14. :tup:: No need to rush , I m sure many more will enjoy as well !
  15. Charlie while thrilled with he's new army life wasn't thrilled about being told to yell BANG if the Enemy came his way !
  16. Here's a new candidate for caption this . from this post http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showpost.php?p=131457&postcount=7
  17. from the same set a bit of an improvised equipment . i will post it in the caption area A soldier standing by a dummy anti-tank gun, set up to draw "invader" fire during wargames. Location: United Kingdom Date taken: 1901 Photographer: David E. Scherman
  18. Another Jeep with a interesting frame fitted to the front , not the usual angle iron wire cutter . Seems to me it could be the supports for a telephone or other wire laying purpose ? any ideas ? PFC Ed Pontifex ® of US 2nd Armored Div. showing off 3 eggs and 2 German prisoners of war he found in a barn on the road to Lippestadt during the Allied drive towards Berlin. Location: Germany Date taken: 1945 Photographer: William Vandivert
  19. an unkown to me model of a British Ambulance British & Egyptian Forces Troop tents at British Army camp nr. one of the Great Pyramids. Location: Giza, Egypt Date taken: July 1940 Photographer: Margaret Bourke-White
  20. more Armoured cars British & Egyptian Forces British Army armored cars getting mechanical maintenance at camp in the desert nr. Cairo.. Location: Maadi, Egypt Date taken: July 1940 Photographer: Margaret Bourke-White
  21. Jim Clark , could you post a few more photo's at some time in the future of the engine and dash . A bit of video would be sweet .....listening to it idle and moving ahh that would be nice .
  22. WOW , by the time its finished its going to weight quite a bit more than when it came in , since it was missing so much metal due to it being rusted away !! Yes by all means keep the photo's coming looking foreward very much to see how it all works out .
  23. still a nice little tankett wonder if any of them are in collectors hands ?
  24. Looks really sharp with the complete canvas set on it . I ve seen many of them but this is the only one with its canvas mounted !!
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