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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. the furthest distance inland from the beaches , not the paratroopers dropped before the landings
  2. ok the question is : Who made the greatest advances on D-Day the British or the Americans? You have a 50/50 chance of getting this one correct!!
  3. thats correct and why I had suggested a thread on hollywood hero's vs Real Hero's. There were many that did serve in the war and returned to Hollywood to be in Movies again . I m sure there is a list somewhere , I see what I can find here's the link to the list of actors who served in WW2 http://www.jodavidsmeyer.com/combat/military/actors_in_wwii.html
  4. Interesting that they converted the two to side dumping units. I d have thought with limited space they would still use end dumps? Nice that they have been saved from being scraped at least for a while longer .
  5. What has gone wrong with the Halftrack ? is it serious known problem or still in diagnosis stage?
  6. Guess the best part is that its been saved up till now , But hope someday the people will allow others to preserve the site and still have their butterfly sanctuary. Hadn't heard of the Bench given in Jimmy Stewart's name , a nice memorial .
  7. CCKW.org has had server hosting problems for most of this year . for a while you needed to delete the cookies files to log on each time , they have a new server and are in the process of restarting their forum .
  8. On Parade duty with CCKWhttp://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff35/abndeuce/myducephotos006.jpg[/img] at Connecticut rally http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff35/abndeuce/myducephotos.jpg[/img]
  9. Yes Exactly!! well done... as for comment about unloading troops I use that line when I m doing parades and when things are stopped I ll run up the dump bed a bit , they see a Jimmie with full canvas and figure its just a regular cargo truck then the body moves and they get a suprise :-) :-D
  10. The period photo's put so many things into context , I had not seen photo's of vehicles with names painted on the glass before something like putting the pilots and co- pilots names under the cockpit windows? I m sure the people handy with a welder over there and a bit of scrap metal and someone with a Dodge can craft one of the hoists together in time for the shows next year , you have the documentation to go with it !
  11. Very thankful you found the time to stop and take those great photo's , the monument with the B17 is wonderful , Someone really did a good job in its design and creation . The original photo's are a treasure trove of information like the field built Jeep cab enclosure and the activity at the airfield during the War :tup: :tup:
  12. All military photo's are enjoyed , makes no difference aircraft , vehicles ,battlefields or villages then or now ...they all add to the knowledge of a time and place I ll never know otherwise
  13. I had heard that some people were hard headed but I thought it was just a figure of speech , but I can see that This guy has incredible hard head ... and he's still standing with barely a care in the world while the poor propeller has completely bent on impact with his skull!
  14. Welcome to the club house pull up a chair and enjoy all the stories and a verity of vehicles
  15. thank you for posting the enlargement I can see the pattern now that I could not before .
  16. The before pic's are sometimes even more revealing than the afters , when everything is all cleaned up and repainted
  17. Pardon me for being a little thick perhaps but , the flag being flown looks symmetrical to me ???? How could I tell if it were incorrectly being flown ? Do you have a similar signal or meaning if your Union flag is flown upside down ? When the American flag is flown upside down , and thats very apparent, It's meaning is Distress or call for aid .
  18. Takes a REAL man to Learn about , Live with and Love a Historic Military Vehicle !!!! :-) ;-)
  19. Truly gave the Militant a good workout with a good warm up on the way out and a Really Good work out on the return.... proves you had a healthy recovery vehicle all the way around otherwise things might have gotten a bit Hairy at somepoint ?!
  20. If I knew the seller or Knew someone well who could see it for me distance would not be a problem , sort of buy sight unseen in a way . As for personal travel perhaps 500 miles.
  21. Seems the Car park is going to be redesigned and a lot of new paving put down to take care of All the new equipment that has arrived in just last few days!!!!!! I hope that Clive will see his way clear to add at least One piece of American WW2 military hardware to a very long and impressive list of British historical military vehicles. We must persuade him of the benefits of the Dark Side :evil: :whistle: ;-)
  22. WOW , with more and more document and archives becoming available on the WWW you guys have come so far in so short a time , just thinking how many months or more it might have taken using snail mail and phone and perhaps still not gotten as much information this quickly!!!! Keep up the great work with each document you take a step closer to knowing this solder his family and his unit .
  23. Located the dealer through Military Vehicles Magazine , wasn't much of a WWW at the time 1989 would use the Internet the next time around and the On line Club's Groups and Forums ...which would be word of mouth as far as that's concerned . Great source of information and very likely chat with others who might be local and know about the vehicle.
  24. Welcome to the club house , the Ot-90 will have to wait in the vehicle park out side sorry but the carpets have just been done after a far too long a spell.what with all the Dodges and PW British thing's marking their territory :-D
  25. May Your Birthday this year be a Very Happy one indeed Chris!!!
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