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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. those photo's of the place's and memorials are very much appreciated :tup: , Seems it was a nice fall day for the trip , what was the temperature like ? the shots looking through the Dodge without any end curtains make it seem to be a colder ride but I know its no warmer with them ! its just psychological. ;-)
  2. In the U.S.A. of course there are the state or regional level groups and the larger MVPA with many having membership or involvement with both . While I can't say what the total numbers of collectors are or the number of vehicles in collectors hands since the activity level varies from state to state its fair to say the number could well be a couple of thousand of both .
  3. seems to look a bit like a ventilator cover but squared .......would make a nice momument base .... is its color a clue to its fuction ?
  4. I think thats because the open cabs were in use or production in late 43 and the manual is dated 44 and would then only apply to open cabs ... I hadn't thought about that possibility. There is a very knowledgable gentleman on another site " ww2dodge.com" screen named Ranger who would know .
  5. how about a hint as to its scale ? foot high 1/3 meter if you like or 3 feet 1 meter high ?
  6. I see your point its a good question , perhaps with the shorter chassis on the 352 that the extra weight is made from the second spare tire and heavier duel spare tire carrier? on the other hand when you look at the figures for a chassis and cab only the 352 with or with out winch out weights the 353 w/w 9,167 to 8,800 wo/w 8,462 to 8,100 ??? thats for a1-a2-b1-b2 . Guess we will have to wait for some one to post a pic of their data plate and see what that shows??
  7. some kind of early night vision system ? for an armoured vehicle.... not knowing what togs or rapier were the same idea or not
  8. I wonder how those Bedfords with slick solid rubber tires handle on a wet road at much of any speed as others say that its bad enough with Non directional tread pattern tires? What speed do you think they are able to do ?
  9. possible a mold for casting concrete dragons teeth? anti vehicle defence
  10. Great Looking Halftrack .Hope you will post more picture of it in the future :thankyou:
  11. thats from a copy of the War Departmant Technical Manual TM 9-801 dated 24 April 1944 page 17
  12. :tup: He had some wild idea's but they were proved sound ones just like the British scientist who invented the bomb for the dam busters at first glance people thought them nuts but these things did work.
  13. I try to avoid looking at all those Silly Bits as it tends to make me Laugh ;-) :-D :whistle:
  14. open cab 352 a1-a2-b1-b2 gross weight with winch 16,400 weight charris,cab,body with fuel,oil,and water with winch 11,050
  15. So in service the axel or wheel hub nuts that most paint white and the split rim nuts that most paint red would have all been painted green? That the different color while a safety item was only done in peace time for show ?
  16. I realize there are some differences between here and there... some good some not , it cuts both ways . True I had not considered the possibility of it being a full fuel can ..... But I didnt think that gasoline that was aged for 62 years would fetch quite so much money , must be different stuff they were working on back then . I guess if it improved with age that stuff would be down right Rocket fuel; by now??? :dunno: :shake: :evil: ;-)
  17. Seems to me that the Russian or Soviet Vehicles lack a bit in the Muffler department as they tend to be very loud or at least louder than other nationalities
  18. I know the US. dollar is trading at about 2 to 1 British pound whats the exchange to the euro? 400 euro for German Jerry can is nuts
  19. Good deal ! it may hurt a bit more in the wallet now but your right doing all now will be less problems later!!
  20. Can you post a photo of what these screens look like and how they are positioned when in use on the vehicle? I m sure that would help . Thanks
  21. whats the plan ,do you put the Jeep up on a set of ramps to work underneath or do you raise one end ? Will you be indoors or outside while doing the overhaul of the clutch ? I m guessing your likely to plan on more that the throw out bearing :dunno:
  22. Steam cleaners a good bit of machinery to have with HMV's but a loader backhoe is an even better machine to have access to when working on those Bigger and more weighty bits of machinery !!!! Good Show ;-) :-)
  23. Welcome to the club and club house the fastest growing structures on the web as far as Militaria is concerned . I have not see or heard of the Dancing Girls much of late they may have taken to doing dancing only during the day . As for the club we are discovering new rooms and additions all the time . Currently they are in the process of installing a skittle's area near the bar for club members to practice on for the upcoming tournament.
  24. there is a difference between the sign on the trailer and that on the truck ? is that part of it? Should there be additional markings like a red painted area on the trucks fenders denoting EOD?
  25. I 'd say your 100 percent correct on the "S's"
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