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Everything posted by Jonny666

  1. just because you got dont mean to say you know how to use it! lol :-D
  2. got my landy from W&P best place i think to get em from is shows meets etc because you can see em run (if they are running of course)
  3. shame they are just stood there like that, i need some more room and some more money to get a new toy now the LR is nearly finished lol
  4. good pics, shame i missed it but with me been at uni and my dad has only just gone back to work after having cancer its been the old "strapped for cash" syndrome lol but we will be out to play next year lol
  5. W&P its always good despite the weather and the sheffield fayre not strictly an MV event but there was enough WW2 vehicles there with it been a multi-period history event, plus it was nice and sunny
  6. i wouldnt mind a pig but i dont have room or the funds and i cant really afford to run one really
  7. if you look at the guys other vids check out his go kart lol
  8. Jonny666

    MV Clubs

    i joined IMPS this year at the W&P and i am joining the MVT aswell, because IMPS as much as they are a good group MVT have a MV club up by me rather than everything been "down south". the only real bug that annoying me with IMPS is when i joined as a young vehicle member i got no information on the club absolutely nothing! ZIP! it was a good job i had done my homework on the club before joining or i would have been in a complete mystery zone until i got the the website, i felt it was a case of come sign up get the cash off you and then boot you out the tent. When i went to the local MVT show they actually stood and explained what they did etc much better than IMPS but yeah as soon as i mention i was interested in post war it was like i had lost all friends lol, but i think that taking it from a younger person prespective if i had no idea about either of the clubs i would have joined MVT but i didnt well not yet anyway.
  9. Jonny666

    HMVF Flags

    i like the pennant i think its great
  10. lightweights are nice cant really go wrong with em once they are running right and i must admit even the standard lightweight looks nice in camo the para version are just awesome, but saying that i have a 109 S3 and i love it yes it is underpowered but it has a character all of its own. but yeah running costs and maintance on LW are cheap-ish depending on where you go, ebay very very good for rare parts, very very very bad on prices but that is the price you pay lol anyway good luck in getting one they are loads of fun
  11. 200TDi engines are lovely stick with it i would lol
  12. another landy owner lol.....maybe we should take over us landy owners lol anyway welcome to the forum
  13. i think younger people these days the older generations for granted you know and its something i hate sort of a pet hate lol
  14. my fave scale is 1/35 and 1/48 as there are somethings you cant get in whichever scale, and i will build just about anything lol but then again i do have a 1/6 M5 stuart thats full R/C lol
  15. when i did history at GCSE we got 1950's-1990's and it said vietnam and i thought great we are gunna do the war but nope we didnt we got the political side of it same with the troubles it would have been better if we had done the second world war
  16. what in all that is unholy did they do to that!! pass the sick bucket
  17. lead foot going 30mph i dont think lol i dont know i will have to re check it all unless my calculations are wrong which is more than likely lol
  18. try deleting your IE temp files they might be slowly you up
  19. yeah its no over drive and its only doing 12-13mpg plus of the kit it has in the back plus no free wheeling hubs and its petrol so its an exspense but we are currently making an A frame to drag it down rather than a trailer
  20. it is getting to be a case of who has the money wins. and me been a young MV owner and student i find it incredibly difficult to get most things but it is all a case of if you got the cash you can have anything. but yeah old softskin british vehicle especailly war time ones are getting rare and not everyone can transport such vehicles i mean i travel from yorkshire to the W&P every year this year was with my landy i know its not WW2 or a truck but if i was to drive it, it would cost £600 in fuel alone which i can only imagine how much it would cost for an old WW2 bedford or austin. and on the point of the owners getting on in years i guess its true, but i am a young member of the MV world and i want more young people to get involved even if it is just a small bit of collecting or attending shows. the thing that puts most young people off is cost and insurance.
  21. yeah metal storm i have known about it for a while now came out a few years ago metal storm mortar system metal storm ADWS(area deinal weapon system) and the original metal storm weapons system
  22. yeah so is the .50 grizzly but it does get used as a long range sniping weapon even againest high value targets and any other target that displays its self
  23. cheers safariswing all sorted now lol i will get posting some vids asap
  24. yeah i mean for HMVFTV and everytime i click forgot password? i get no email in my in box and nothing is blocked via my in box, i am on my laptop now and i have some more vids for the site lol
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