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Everything posted by paul_bish

  1. great pictures. Did you drive all the way under your own steam? if so must have been a cracking journey
  2. I might have a replacement head, let me check today
  3. nice piece of kit in what looks like great condition
  4. welcome on board please share the story of how you bought a load of Bren carriers and spares by accident!!!
  5. looks like a dealer clear out to me and nothing really interesting or collectable
  6. hello. If you do a search for Diamond T you will fend some resto/build threads. Pretty sure the engine block was grey with black filters etc
  7. Welcome on board. You will find English tends to work better around here :-D
  8. looks like a decent event. That Vickers Crawler is magnificent!!!
  9. well I could...given time and maybe if I borrowed some skill....
  10. I wouldn't be too embarrassed, we watched a Dodge Weapons Carrier get stuck, then the 1/3 track to rescue it get stuck and then a second 1/2 track had to be called...
  11. Nice pictures Paul. Did you leave that one in the field!
  12. looks great, good luck with the final task list and enjoy your trip
  13. Just got back as I had a badly planned flight to catch today... The rest of my group are there and I have to say its a very enjoyable show, nice atmosphere and picked up some nice items from some of the traders
  14. That really is some quality work. I have the Milicast 1/76th one but don't think I can squeeze that much detail out of it
  15. Lovely pair of trucks. Have a great time
  16. Here we go, the form for the window. Just download, print and mount on card. I assume markings would then be chalk http://www.modernforces.com/img/new_site/Form_W3028.jpg
  17. I would read this as the artwork is being documented not preserved or saved, valuable exercise but not as nice as them being saved for future generations. If Banksy artwork can be removed from walls surely some of these can, then again the former are only removed to sell for millions...
  18. welcome on board. What sort of stuff to you restore?
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