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Everything posted by paul_bish

  1. welcome on board. What part of Cornwall do you come from?
  2. Great post and great work. I hope you had a good fill of Anzac Biscuits to keep you going!
  3. Yes larger mirrors would be good. Maybe some clip on caravan type jobs over the current ones to then pop off at shows
  4. That's good to know. I do recall Andy saying he had flushed the rad too
  5. Are you thinking form a pedestrian safety POV or vision when driving?
  6. welcome on board and a great intro. be good to have your knowledge added to the pool
  7. Next job is full flush of system and full tune and service. We think it was running too rich as well. So a good once over, tune, checking of fluids and seals and jobs a good un. Some fettling as they say
  8. Went to pick up the Bedford yesterday With my mechanic, thought a once over would be good before we set off as its not run for a good few months. Started well but cut out when warm and wouldn't start so not a great start, still Andy the seller was very helpful and we fettled by the road and got her going. All was going well along the A27 until we came to a big long hill, she boiled and blew a rad hose. We tried to fix at the roadside but couldn't get water into the radiator die to the offset. So along came Andy Long to the rescue in his shiny Peterbuilt. So its now gone for a good tune up and fettle. We also had a good rummage around the back and its full of stuff, like a mobile museum. Anyone know a source for the following; Top rad to filler hose Wartime penthouse tent (the one with it appears to be a rigged up lean to) /p
  9. Very nice, always good to see more plant being restored to its military colours
  10. They look lovely! My Father in law used to make Harriers, would make a nice 70th present for him
  11. welcome on board, recently bought a Bedford myself. cracking trucks
  12. welcome on board. I think there is a picture of the 4man cab Foden in a book I have at home, will check
  13. Welcome on board and very interested in what you are planning. IU make small scale models as well and with BW Models shutting down we need someone to champion British vehicles I assume you have checked here? http://www.network54.com/Forum/47210/
  14. Nice collection. I have seen a few HETs for sale in the US http://www.truckpaper.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=4324095
  15. Good to have you on board and nice to hear someone is looking out for our military heritage
  16. welcome on board, your English is better than my Italian...
  17. paintwork looks great! I love the Caunter scheme!
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