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Richard Farrant

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Everything posted by Richard Farrant

  1. Is this what is now known as The Clarence, at Royal William Yard, Devonport? It has been converted in to homes I believe.
  2. Thanks Clive, I have come across Rover chassis's with only one relay position, but possibly not Lightweights.
  3. Thanks Nick, Quite a rare truck over here. When I first started work for MoD, there was one on site with a multibarrel rocket launcer on the back, A Stalin organ I suppose. It was being prepared for a static display at a nearby barracks. Have a feeling it might have ended up at Duxford eventually.
  4. Yes, earlier on a B25 Mitchell and two wingmen, one a Mustang I'm sure, flew over, going back to Europe. Wonderful sight :thumbsup:
  5. George, It is possible that it was converted from LHD to RHD by the army. Whilst working in REME workshops, I built up the Royal Salute vehicles ( 5 x Series 3 Lightweights) for the Honorable Artillery Company. These vehicles were in a very used state before work started and I did note that one had LHD on the nomenclature plate, although it was actually RHD......so you see it could have been done whilst in service. Another thing that comes to mind, and I have not much spent time on Land Rovers in more recent years, is that on original chassis's, there is only one position for the steering relay, thus dictating whether the chassis is Left or Right hand drive, whereas a replacement chassis is universal with two mounting positions. I may be talking a load of rubbish here, but am sure CW or Nick will put me right.
  6. Jack, Just make sure you get your expenses claim in before the end of the week :coffee:
  7. The weather is also very localised down this way, so the forecasters give you the worst situation. Take last week, Hastings had 100mm fall one morning, yet we are less than 30 miles away and had nothing.
  8. No no........the Ukraine is much further East :n00b: :-D
  9. John, You must have some paitience to have put up with one of those engines for 34 years, I take my hat off to you :saluting:
  10. There were a small number, we used to get the engines in for reconditioning, I think the Royal Navy had some diesels.
  11. But the problem then would be that the gearing has been raised right through the gear range and climbing hills might be a bit slower........the GMC engine not being blessed with 300-400 bhp as in modern lorries :-D
  12. Martin, That view in the background looks familiar.................up the back of Dover if I am not mistaken
  13. Just been there this morning, a hive of activity already. Lee had got his camp set up when I left there. There was even someone using a lawn mower on their pitch !!!
  14. What about Mack, AEC, Albion, Leyland ? Logistically, it must have been a problem as there would not have been a high percentage of diesel use, in British vehicles at least.
  15. CW, I was hoping you could confirm it was a diesel. I could be wrong, but the registration number rings a bell :confused: That old MMB tanker, I expect it would have been pulled by a Thames Trader then :-D :rofl:
  16. This could be a regular thread of what has been seen on the road, or in the air even. To kick off, going to work today along the A2070 towards Romney Marsh, I passed under a bridge and going over it was a 1950's Czech Praga 6x6 with radio type body, not seen it in the area before. Then this afternoon whist in my workshop, I heard the unmistakeable sound of Merlins, nearly fell out of the lorry I was working in, got out of the door to see three P51 Mustangs in formation passing over low. A fair bet that one of them was from the next village. Then my brother rang me and as he was speaking he suddenly said that a Mustang and a B25 Mitchell were passing overhead following the M20 North. Sounds like the place to be this weekend is Duxford.
  17. OK then CW, I might be wrong, but I think this one is one of the first Series 2 with Rover diesel engine, could be Chassis No. 2. I think its original owner could have been the Milk Marketing Board. If this is correct, I will tell you more.........
  18. Chris Barrie is a vehicle collector and I know owned a Bedford QL GS truck, ........may still do, so he will understand the subject rather more than some other people who host programmes.
  19. A post has just come up on the Flypast historic forum, suggesting the same.
  20. Mike, As identifying the aircraft, I am going for a Provost T.1.........the rudder profile fits the bill. Totally agree, it is a tragedy and thoughts are with all concerned.
  21. Mike, I agree that the tail looks like a Jet Provost. There are some photos on the Lincolnshire Standard website, just showing the tail above the crops. Sad news.
  22. Hi Bystander, Fascinating photos, hope there are a few more to come. The second photo, battery charging truck, is a Ford WOT6 4x4 3 tonner
  23. Jules, Just a correction there, RAOC is three vertical stripes, RED-BLUE-RED RASC is divided btm left to top right RED over GREEN
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