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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. What route will the run take? Might be able to meet you along the way with the kettle and biscuits! :-D
  2. Don't forget Deviation on the compass will change at night when the lights are on. Or any other electrical equipment.
  3. Sorry Ted, another thread. WS10 was line of sight radio system, speciffically developed for Montgomery in Europe. About 150 units were built, looks like most then went across to Australia for use in the nuclear testing area. One has survived (Known so far) in UK. We are restoring it.
  4. Oh goody a tractor! that means I won't have to dig the lawn over outside the club house! We can plough it instead :-D Welcome Major, sanity is optional , but you do get good advice .
  5. Ask Catweazle. He might know of a compass swinger or someone who may be able to refill the thing.
  6. A very important question! have you laid the cycle track yet? I've managed to blag the days off to be there. :yay:
  7. I recognise that tow hitch! the same as the WS 10 trailer and the generator appears to be the same. Got any more photos of the beast? Is there by any chance a slid panel that drops to alow the genny to slide out on a skid? I also recognise tghe roof arch style.
  8. Yes , but, if people go tearing the interior out it will become rareer! :-D
  9. VANDAL!!!:argh: If you want a tin tent go buy a caravan! Gorgeous vehicle fully kitted, oh I wish/
  10. The other side, apologies for delay.
  11. Nice to see old friends back though!!:-D
  12. Welcome, the models are teriffic! Wish I had the skill.
  13. I've seen several in France, Belgium in the Forign Legion markings.
  14. The Twirly was consinged to history a few months ago , the Womble is still about though!
  15. No but it means some poor sod has to clean the train afterwards.
  16. Yeah bring the tin hat! Teddies fly quite often.
  17. The male version of he Delcoease advert?
  18. Yes mate. Do you want a copy PM an email I'll scan and attach.
  19. Yipee!! Keep death of the road, drive on the pavment!! Great news mate!:yay::yay:
  20. You'll see from the Normandy thread a lot of us will be there. I'll have my Dodge at Ver sur Mer on Goldbeach. Kettle will be on. :-D
  21. Welcome, especially if you do re-enactment. There are plenty of us about so never worry about a ride.
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