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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. There is no such thing as 'Freindly Fire'.
  2. There was TV guided bomb as well at the end of WW2. One of Dick Strawbridge's Tv shows had a clip of one on test. Going right down the on the watching boffins. There a WC54 in the clip as well, just as the boffins go fleeing past it!
  3. The Model B pigeon loft is intresting. There are a number of pictures of that baout. Velly intresting. Just wish I had the skill to make them!
  4. Hi and welcome! Hope we can meet at Odessey if your over this year!
  5. Now, the Met Police did use an aircraft for Traffic Control at one of the Epsom derby's in the 1920's. The Met Pol Flying squad is supposed to have got it's name from using Ex RAF vehicles.
  6. If you can get in there. I've used Quick Steel to repair an alloy sump, a hole about 1/2 inch square with great sucess., The usual Plastic Padding was usless, wouldn't go off with the oil. The Quick Steel is easy to use, just breack off a lump and rub till coulor changes, will also go off underwater, with oil and other contamination. Comma Frost bite is good stuff for that situation. Spray just the drain cock.
  7. Back to some sense! I've been on the phone to Optima UK today. The batteries are in short supply at the moment as the British Army are taking everything. However I have found one six volt Optima. The battery is the RTS 2.1, it 's 50 amp hr but with a crank of 815 amps! Size wise it is tiny! 250 mm long x 200mm wide x 90mm high. The advice I got was very candid , including that though the battery will stand, a charge every 8 to 12 weeks is recommended to keep full performance. Considering the size of the lead acid that has come off and that it only cranks at 630 amps, the Optima looks good value. Cost quoted is £138 inc VAT and UK delivery. Considering the size alone, must be worth looking at for some armoured applications.
  8. Cor, you know how to give a Lady a good time!:-D
  9. Hello mate! Long time no hear! The pills were in the post! :-D
  10. Welcome Luca, plenty of moddellers here. Your knowledge is just as valuable as anyone elses.
  11. Well done mate! Remeber to keep death of fthe road! The pavments give much better targets.:cool2:
  12. Firstly welcome, and then What a question! I'd suggest you contact a local museum. They would have knowledge of the conservation laboritiories. You might contact AGFA themselves.
  13. If you look at a map of England from Reading if memory serves along the Kennet and Avon canal, the one covered by these fortifications to Bristol. It virtually cuts the country into two picies. The rail link runs parralel and the A4 withina couple of miles. A4 is sometinmes called the Great West Road. Particullaly round Hungerford and the Crofton pumpimg station , where there is a major stop point, and along to Marlbourough the secenry is very hilly and spectacular, particularlly good for stopping tanks! Avebury the villiage in the stone circle, lots of prehistoric sites. Worth a tour along the road if you want a day out.
  14. Intrestingly, the first reference to Air to Ground co-operation as part of a battle plan, was the Somme campaign. Certain units wore shaped tin or cloth patches on their backs. The idea was the aircraft could spot advance then fly back and drop mesages.
  15. There is also one at Wotton Rivers. Was on the land where I worked once. alongside a 15th Century priory that has been in Ideal Homes. Where the bridge goes over the lock on the south sid eof the canal to the east there is another small bridge. The pillbox is along side it.
  16. Ok a bit of exagiration! :red: I'll go and clean the grease trap with a toothbrush.
  17. Actually hunting around for a six volt, there are two places have come up worth a closer look, one is Blackheath Batteries, but haven't had a chance to get up there yet. On the net http://www.alpha-batteries.co.uk/buy-online/classic-6v-car-batteries/pair-of-6v-type-421-classic-car-batteries/prod_76.html Seriously considering an Optima for Katy, as she stands for long periods. Expensive but have a reputation or keeping a charge over lay ups. Anyone any experience of them?
  18. Took in seven the other day got £35 for them! Just oridinary fiesta type things. Maybe I just got lucky. Must admit I was suprised, expected nothing it was just the scrap yard was closer than the officil dump.
  19. Humm. Spare wheel would add about 180lbs. what the weight for fuel? Acording to the net. 772.32 kg per cubic meter, so about eight times denser than distilled water.
  20. Bad news , battery definitley in a non functional state. Good news! Battery worth in scrap nearly as much as a new one! The Chinese are buying every old battery in sight to melt down for new ones for the electric bicycles thay make!
  21. Welcome, you have many friends! Some of us were lucky enough to vist Oveloon a while back now. This is a very intrnational forum,.
  22. Just having checked up with DVLA for the 101. The person exporting the vehicle, you' or if sold the new owner fill in part 15 of the VL5. That along with a letter of explination, when sold and who to and that vehicle is to be permenatly exported, I'll include a copy of the bill of sale, to swansea. Job done.
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