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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. It wern't him came back with the two Jimmy's on the slow boat last night was it? Going up the **** ramp is an experience in itself.
  2. Hwhen you lot have quite finished! Be careful I may go sulk.:cool2: Right, the vehicle is in a tunnel in Gurnersey. the german's brought about twenty five Char b tanks over, i haven't got the books hady to check numbers. Some were kept as gun tanks, some had a 75mm gun fitted as SPG, and three were converted to flame throwers. In 1945 one was driven into a tunnel, which was subsequently collappsed by the British forces. Current situation is that a drain access has ben found undr the collapse, a tool has been made to clear the track so a camera and magnatometer can be fed in to get an internal survey. The fly in the ointment is that the tunnel is close proximity to a housing estate. Concerns have been rasied about the tunnel collapsing. Channel Island Occupation socoiety Gurnersy are currently trying to get the problem sorted. There is a chance of funding for the project if it can be definitley proved thr beast exists. http://www.occupied.guernsey.net/index.htm
  3. Greetings enjoy the fun. you might even learn something useful.
  4. AHHHH!! Hope I look as good at 70. mind you for 66 my old lady 'aint doing bad.
  5. ahh well my boy!! While I'm sipping Mary Ann Special and paying £1.08 a litre for fuel, while eating fresh seafood. I can admire the sense of humour you are showing given the current UK situation.
  6. Hey guys, did teh first Official event today, my old primary school, that I left in 1968.:nut: There were about a dozen local and visiting vehicles. We stopped about 300 yards from the school hidden away, and could still here the kids cheering. They had no idea the vehicles were coming till we drove in. We all got mobbed, mind you handing out sweeties was part of the reason. The event made BBC local radio and the BBC Spotlight TV. a quick picture but full report being saved for Pathfinder. am staying on a very MV friendly camp site, called Bleu Soloiel, (Got to put name in or Dave the owner will make life a misery) Hot tub, swimming pool wi-fi bae restraunt, so in paradise fuel at £1.08 per litre! Various parish events tommorow followed by full parade on Sunday.
  7. it's a bit political the situation but I will be able to post the 'open' info when I get back next week. Been on the BBC TV tonight! and no not 'Most Wanted'
  8. welcome Andy, you've come into good company
  9. In the island at the moment. Can anyone identify the carrier?
  10. From an impecable scource. A Char B used by the Wermacht, buried in a tunnel. The vehicle is known to have been driven in and the tunnel collapsed behind it. The guy who fired the charge has confirmed the vehicles existence. Initial survey is promising for recovery. More when I get back:cool2:
  11. I know quite a few were still in work in the early 1960's. http://jerseyeveningpost.newsprints.co.uk/view/14149546/00480618_jpg http://jerseyeveningpost.newsprints.co.uk/view/14149642/00511981_jpg http://jerseyeveningpost.newsprints.co.uk/view/14149717/00523635_jpg http://jerseyeveningpost.newsprints.co.uk/view/14149800/00535937_jpg http://jerseyeveningpost.newsprints.co.uk/view/14153505/00819297_jpg http://jerseyeveningpost.newsprints.co.uk/view/14152886/00679916_jpg
  12. If we all club together and sell the wive's and kid's into slavery? :cool2:
  13. Enjoy, post picture's. I'll be in Jersey, we use May 9th.
  14. Trying to find a Spa store is the quest! If I manage to I'll oblige!
  15. My esential gadget has to be my Leatherman tool. After about ten years of abuse I actually managed to wear one out. As the tools carry a twenty five year garuntee I sent it back to Leatherman for repair. The answer came about six weeks later. Dear sir, Your model of the Leatherman tool is no lnonger manufactured........ Please find enclosed a brand new one of the up to date model!! :shocked:
  16. Try Alan Turner, Firepower have one, he may have access to the information you want.
  17. Saturday 1st May , Channel 4 had two documentaries, Building British Surperweapons, these were about the V Force and develpoment of British Hydrogen bombs on Christmas Island. A lot of colour film of British military vehicles of the time.
  18. And lucky enough to have a Bank holiday to sleep it off! Enjoy.
  19. Like being tailgated by a 2CV, when you're driving a 101 ambulance.
  20. At least it got us all a nights sleep!
  21. Halford's are now doing a synthtic 20/50 for classic vehicles. Strange greeny blue colour, but seems to work ok. I'd still rather use valvoline mineral oil.
  22. Just be careful for .... sake! We can always pad a trailer a trailer with lots of pink cushions.
  23. I'd have thought a good 20/50 such as Valvoline would do it. That's what i use never any problems.
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