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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. I've heard a nasty tale the Land warfare Hall will be closing due to lack of funds.
  2. Nah, Jack's problem is he has built an Empire in a fit of absent mindeness! :cool2:
  3. Hunt around for a copy of 'Braver Men Walk Away, by Peter Gurney. he describes theuse of saracens in NI for bomb disposal. It's now out of print. I got a copy through Amazon dealer service.
  4. Your'e very welcome Harry. The Northern Detachment is getting quite busy. You have a numnber of countrymen here.
  5. Still waiting for the new one. Maybe that's gone to the Artic?:-D
  6. Trouble is Steve, any real digging into any conflict shows up the polotics of the time. Just as the part remebered is normally the propoganda both sides throw out. Most of the resons for conflict in Africa at the time was as usual, economic, with a dose of religion thrown in. I like to hear what other knowlagble peiople have to say. Adds to my knowledge and expands my perspective on things.
  7. Thanks Monty, it is good to hear things from the 'other side' so to speack. No doubt Alan will jump on me if I'm wrong, but I think the Baden Powell gun is at Firepower and also dual recoil Nordenfelts, built down the road from Woolwich but used by the Boer's, to the great discomfort og the British forces. There Boer's also developed the use of smockeless proppellant. Very unsporting to fire your atillery and not leave a cloud of black smoke for the counter battery fire. I would say the Boer war was the most sobering lesson to the British Army in history. The genral re-organsation, new equipment and ideas devolped following it have never been betterd.
  8. You must have a ****** big front rom then! Or is it the bases of the bank advert? :-D
  9. Your'e welcome Glenda. That's what the Forum is here for. If your Father in Law is in a remote location and uses a lot of twelve volt battreies, I'd urge him to keep it. Much more solid than a modern battreycharge /starter pack.
  10. I liked it, good overview. All historians opinions are contreversial, they are afte all an opinion. But it has made me want to dig a bit deeper into the subject.
  11. At least you can se the nests! Work on the LWB Land Rover suspended. Blue tits nesting INSIDE the rear cross member!
  12. Welcome, all new Ferret owners are treted very gentley 'AND SPOCKEN TO in a CAREFUL voice. All comfy now? Never mind in a few days we may trust you to drink out of a breackable container.
  13. Date round about 1942 on, most of the BSA kit seems to be early 1950's. Value um ah. Not spectacularlly valuable. But a useful bit of kit During the clod winter we have just had in UK mine was out a couple of times giving a fast charge to lorries and a tractor . Manuals on line from here: http://www.royalsignals.org.uk/batteries-chargers.html Mechanically simple. Be carful though the rectifier is made of Boron, the dust is toxic. Mine seems to run quite happy on unleaded fuel. From the photos yours seems to be all there, except the external frame. You can use a charged battery to turn it over by pusing the red button on the front of the rectifier control panel. I've never managed to pull start mine!. They are a magneto system so once running will keep going.
  14. They are very similar to the BSA charging set. There is a thread on it. If I remember right the links to the Chore horse set are in there.
  15. Welcome Glenda, the kit is a Chore horse, there is a whole long thread on them if you do a search. I've got one.
  16. Fitted a Jolley set to my Dodge, so simple even I could do it. Makes a lot of diffrence.
  17. Jacks new motto? : When in doubt, scream and shout and run about :-D
  18. BLOODY HELL!! Take to the hills lads!! Cyborg Triffids! :wow: :shocking:
  19. With current events. GOOD LUCK!! Bet the press has one set of questions concerning Military Vehicles.
  20. From the trailers may well be. Don't forget if you miss it http://www.channel4.com/programmes/4od
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