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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. I know their desperate to get the runway back, but ..............
  2. Welcome in, plenty of Todd.. er.. Moddelers here!
  3. I've stayed quite till now. I've used Broquet catalysts, the same two for years. They have always worked for me. Lowering emissions and in a supposedly un-usable with unleade Montego keeping it going for a couple of years no problem. Catalyst= Takes no part in the reaction, but a reaction will not occur without it present. So of course it dosen't change.
  4. Tony B

    Big ray

    What else is early Christmas for? Neighbour's never used my name when they told me to shut up. :-D
  5. Gun crew number from the left, One , two ,...........eightenn hundred!:-D
  6. Tony B


    Memory on the wander again. My best ever car in the snow was the Renault 4. Front wheel drive 998cc engine, fitted it with Kliber mud and snow tyres at about £13 each! Such extravegance!. went most places.
  7. Enjoy the next few days. But, next time you to practice carving the Turkey......:-D
  8. Right thread then. I had six at one time. Though in Jersey snow was rare.:-D
  9. With the old Hillman Imp, it used to be take the spare wheel out of the FRONT and add weight.:-D
  10. Aren't those Austin armoured cars? Britaian and Japan were allies during the great war
  11. Eh lad when I were bairn they were still measuring in Kilobytes! :-D
  12. Never heard Marines called Monnkeys, most other things though. I thought the Marines of Nelsons times were known as 'Bulloucks, though through chinese whispers you could end up with the expression.
  13. The size and enginering in those things is stunning.
  14. Makes me think of doing a full size one. I have the Landy available.:cool2:
  15. These improved mobilty trials are getting a bit silly!
  16. Firast thing if you are upgrading, CHECK THE RAM!! 7 needs at least a megabyte of working RAM. Mind you cheaper to upgrade RAM than a new computer. I use a company on the web called ORCA, great service and cheaper than any local supplier. Might not directly help with printer though. I have a HP Desckjet F2200 series. Took my a while to find out you need a patch for 7. AVG do a nice computer check up and service programme. There is free version but I've got the paid version, really do see the diffrence.
  17. I was talking genrally with people at work last night. The subject of vehicles with light back ends came up. A Scottish Guy Kevin came up with one of those simple answers that made me think, 'Why didn't I think of that? Stick four bag of builders sand in the back. The ballast helps and if you do get stuck. You can spread the sand to get grip.:banghead: I have to say I've been moaning the Discovery is not a Range Rover, but she hasn't let me down. Got the winch fitted now as well, will be out on the prowl looking for people to get stuck. (Proably a BMW on thin slick racing rubber bands)
  18. Jack Brome's book 'Send Another Signal', contains the signal sent after HMS Sturgeons signal after her first succesful attack. 'Sturgeon no longer Virgin'.. http://www.houseoflyrics.com/lyrics/unknown/virgin_sturgeon.html
  19. Judy, the German's did have helicopters, just not Bells. :-D There is a whole thread on this with film links etc to The FW helicopters. (From someone who has 'Broadsword calling Danny Boy' as a ringtone)
  20. There is also the observation 'Pawnbrockers are putting blankets over their signs!' :-D Don't know if it only an English thing, but the traditional sign for a Pawnbrockers is three hanging brass balls aranged in an inverted triangle.
  21. Tony B


    When you see a pickup truck going all over the main road, forcing others into avoiding action. And the &^**() behind the wheel has a mobile phoned clamped to the ear! Why bother. Darwin got it right 'The Descent of Man.
  22. At link: http://www.archive.org/details/TechnicalManualTm9-80834Ton4x4Trucksdodge
  23. Thanks for that. The RASC became part of the Royal Logistic Corp, my son is TA RLC. The meuseum is down at Camberley.
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