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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. As my old Mentor Howard used to say , frequently 'A Bugger if they don't go, a disaster if they don't stop!':-D
  2. The British SS109 and American M 193 5.56 x45 ammunition are interchanagble. In that they wil go bang sucsfully from the weapon, but have diffrent ballistic congfigarations that affects performence. Can't remeber (now I need to!) which round has the slower twist.
  3. Getting better , and cheaper all the time.
  4. Number One Son's Land Rover is similar.:-D Problem is when you get in something else **** is this one going to stop! So your MJ has you in Stiches then?
  5. Very apt, just started reading The Steel Bonnets. Want a Land Rover gunship then?
  6. Ah Spood, but whjere do we put the Jelly and Ice Cream! :cool2: Wouldn't want our Beloved Leader to get to pompus, now he's getting to the age to change his title to 'Grand Old Man'. :-D
  7. If I go about 8 miles down the road, I can have two New Years. One in each half of the world! :cool2:
  8. Any chance of a few more dimensions? Looks a useful tool and not difficult to make one.
  9. A cheap solar charger is the answer! I've had a couple of these in use the last couple of years. Won't charge from flat (Though solar ones that willl are now available) but do keep the battery topped up when not in use .
  10. Sounds daft to be complaining that the brakes are TO good! :-D
  11. Best to all. May the road rise to meet your feet and the wind always be at your back! And in Rosie's case may the vines be fruitful!! :kissoncheek:
  12. Quite correct Ray! Why should you make a profit, when DVLA can!:cool2:
  13. After 50 years, CHANGE The brushes!:-D Dynamos can cope quite happily with two batteries. As Robert says, easy to fix and maitain.
  14. Worth doing if the whole system has been playing up. Dynamo's can loose the magnetic feild. But if the regulator is connected up it can burn it out. Hapned to me once so now I leave the regulator out of it. :-D Is it positive or negative earth? That effects the polorization, obviously?
  15. Some of the buses seem to have developed a similar habit latley. Pumping the air out a few times seems to help, and as you say when everything gets warm. Might the very cold weather have caused contaraction of the brake drums?
  16. Moe technically, you can buy a Freeze Spray for testing intermittents. AH! Forgot, you 've had the organic equivalent!:-D
  17. Dont forget to re-polarise the Dynamo! BUT, BUT, BUT do it with the regulator disconnected!!!!
  18. When you think that you are taliking of Military Engines. They are built to run on any C*ap you get to put in the tank. 101's for instance use a low compression version of the V8, I never had any trouble running it on unleaded. The Dodge, the problem is the modern fuel is to goo for it. An electronic ignition gives much smother runinmg. As for Catalyst's. I've used them for years on all sorts of vehicles. The same three, two pellets in mesh , purchased about fifteen years ago, one tube one slavaged of a Range Rover. My empirical experience is that they keep fuel fresh and drop exhaust emmisions. Apart from am old Montego, according to manufacturer could not be converted to run on unleaded in any form (Why I purchsed the original catalyst) this engine dropped a con rod, after the sump gasket started leacking but had run about 70,000 miles on unleaded. The vehicles have always been scrapped for other reasons than engine wear.
  19. This lot may be able to help. http://dynamoregulators.com/index.html
  20. Have you blown the air system out recently?
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