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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Earler than that! First propsed 1907 by William Willet who lived in Petts Wood just up the road from me. Parliment got into the act in 1916, late as usual.
  2. Welcome in. Very unlikley you will have to buy a drink at the bar, but you'll earn them!
  3. Not ot mention steady hands, eyes of a hawk and paitience of a saint. At least I can hit mine with a hammer when the frustration becomes to much. :-D
  4. Go for one shot grease (Then get paranoid becuse you don't see dripping oil :-D)
  5. Those dreaded initials V.C.R. be careful A. The manufacturer has a licnece to produce them B. You have a dispensation to own a realstic replica. Though any reputable maker or seller will check you out anyway, their A*** is also on the line. Buy a deac, all you need is money. Stupid rules but consequences are far from laughable.
  6. Yep, I'm trying to get the book writen by the third officer involved (Don't want to spoil plot) Good battle scene. The quote by the way 'We apply rule .303'
  7. Agreed, 2/3 of the world surface and nobody wants to look? Penny wise, dollar stupid.
  8. Barbarian! How dare you debase the Blessed Val! A thousand Tracey Islands will haunt you. And can anyone tell me where the $%^&££*() I can get DOUBLE SIDED STICKY TAPE!!!! When they changed the shape of washing up bottles it was a crime aganist childhood
  9. I'd love to bring her to A&E, but work getting in the way. The company has a transport contract for some flebitten thing called the Olympics. The plan is Bunker Bash, Combined Ops, and the Antique Roadshow. There is an episode due for filming at Chatham Historic Dockyard in September. As it is only about thirty miles down the road I'm going to try and get there. A friend has now aquired a Model T ambulance, if we can get a 101 and/or Series 2 or 3 ambulance, be a nice little tableaux
  10. Thats if it will come out of the tank. I have persuaded the ferry company to keep her on the lower deck. The ramp up the middle of the hold is *** steep and it would be embarrasing if she stopped in the middle. I'm going to take a couple of bottles of Forte advanced gas treatment with me, I've had good results with that stuf fin the past. As long as she gets her wheels ashore at Portsmouth, thats the main thing.
  11. Then why don't politicians tax themselves on the same basis? Deficit covered in about two days! :angry
  12. I was a memeber of the last recruitment to HMS Ganges. That's when it was at Shotley point. Nothing now but the flagpole.
  13. Want sympathy, look in a dictionary! Even drowning our sorrows is going out the window in UK! The latset 'tax' proposed is a minimum price per unit of alcahol. Funny though, the opposition parties are squealing this will hit pensioners! From all too personal experince I can say you don't see many pensioners **** out of their minds on a Saturday night. Numbers, Dodges Nil, 1995 Discovery £215, at least it was the day before the budget, so I've a year before worrying about that.
  14. Easy enough to make a button stick. You can cut a squre of cereal packet or other stiff cardboard and put a slit in.
  15. Coil on order, points I've got, didn't think of in line fuel fliter. Good idea for a couple of quid. The petrol has been in there for a long time.
  16. Me: I remember when petrol was 35 p per gallon Garage attendant: 'Ow many gallons in a liter then?
  17. People pay good money for things like that you know. :cool2: Allied is the obvoious
  18. Right for those who remember the old XXXX advert 'I think I've overdone it with the sherry'. I have spare condenser, new fan belt, new radiator hoses, new dizzy cap, new spark plugs, new oil filters, new stright 30 oil. I've ordered an electronic ignition from Frank Jolley, as soon as I know wheter its a positive or negative earth. Bulbs to be scourced,Chrysler contacted for a copy of the build card. Fare fares down to reasonable price. The cheapest would be unacompanied, but the thought of all those hairy stevedores with thier hands all over katy......... :sweat:Anyone think of anything else?
  19. Welcome, I see your being grilled already.
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