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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Makes you wish for the MAN in Where Eagles Dare dosen't it?:-D
  2. Tony B

    A photo.

    So what happaned to the 'Little Red Dress' then? :-D
  3. Quick look £75 to about £120. A couple of large light plastic 'builders tarpaulins' will cost £30 to £40. My cover lasted five years with no other protection.
  4. Tony B

    A photo.

    Now THAT is a scary thought!
  5. The sweating problem is why it worth investing in a breathable cover.
  6. Tony B

    A photo.

    Ah! Yes, I did finally! That distraction Camouflage idea works well. Be intresting to see how it develops. :cool2:
  7. Morons who can't read BUS STOP in three foot letters! Dear Santa, I am a poor hard working (Stop laughing at the back!) bus driver. Can I have a ........:-D
  8. After me! After me! Oh boy could I make use of that.
  9. Don't worry we understand. Your NUTS!! Welcome in.
  10. Four Westland Wessex, sitting in a feild near Sevenoaks! Looking very sorry, but better than a garden gnome.
  11. Are we talking 12 volt or 24 split? The 12 volt beast on the 101 ambulance looked like a second coil. The Alternator conected to the middle and two outputs. I also have a split charger capable of handaling 6 to 50 volt negative earth. It is called a multi battery isolator Sure Power Industries Mod 2402. Same system Alternator to one, and two outputs. Very easy to fit, just bolt into circuit.https://sites.google.com/site/surepowerisolator/
  12. Under present conditions Jacks going to float it in! :-D
  13. Tony B


    Still quite a lot of non combat losses even then.
  14. When are you demonstrating the time machine, or ONE of you is an impostor!
  15. Could some of those cars be Willys? Very popular at the time in the region.
  16. Tony B


    And in the cut version 'Without Appendix!! (I'll go and take my pill)
  17. Well if you really aren't that happy with the second one........ What sort of things are you looking for ? The first one looks like turn the key and go. Not jealous, no really, not jealous at all...honestly! Don't tell me the old Rover in the background is yours as well?
  18. A scarf ring has several advatages, no doubt exploited at the time, better depression, so they can't get that close, better elevation, especially in built up areas. Definite disadvantage only the botton half is armour plated.:-D A lot of the history of the Palastine Mandate is of street fighting and ambush, not to mention that old favourite, the roadside IEOD. Not a lot changes. The mandate ran formally from 1922 to 1948.
  19. The forum does like small pictures, saves a lot of space. I use a free download called Photoscape. It's very simple to use to reduce picture size in the edit boxes. Then use the Manage Attachments button at the bottom of the page. Follow simple instructions. So easy even I can do it. :-D
  20. Welcome along. You'll soon be immersed in oil grease and tracks.
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