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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. The speedo on a Dodge is for general refrence only anyway! :-D They are undamped so do move about when operating. It may be worth trying to run some light lubruicant, I like good old 3 in 1 oil, or light machine oil down the cable inside , that may help .But it does sound as though you have a breack in the inner cable.
  2. Blimey! That books going back a bit! I was about 14 when it was published. There was a TV series as well. R. V. Jones used it to give the first public explanation of the reason the famous bombing raid on coventry was not jammed. They picked the wrong frequency!
  3. Not the flat bed as well? You can go right off some people! :-D
  4. I've got from my local Toolstation a can of Tectane PW 697 Protective Wax. Shake and spray. Very useful for electrical, brake cylinder nipples and any other exposed threads. Also worth investing in a good Smart de-sulphating batrrey charger. Mine has brought back three or four battries, paid for itself easily.
  5. As Quoted from Band of Broithers- 'Hands , feet , head and B*lls, spare socks warms 'em all'- Youre still a total fruit cake!
  6. No sense of decorum some people! Any Nerd can get a Porsche or BMW, our types of vehicles, they 'ain't building any more! :mad:
  7. Welcome in, youwon't be lonley. Post pictures of your work.
  8. JACK!! Get your prorities right! :-D
  9. I know somone with an Abbot, in a place where the gun can still be live firing! :cool2: A real blast!:-D
  10. Proabaly will need to be a planned event. Our Friends across the water can get quite sniffy. Maybe they think we won't go home? :-D
  11. The srew under the sight, is there one in front of it on the reciver?
  12. The rear slot sounds like the groove for a volley sight. I'll post my picture (Later) if you post yours?:-D
  13. He was a great person to know, I'll miss his excrutiating jokes. RIP
  14. Don't start small then! Welcome in, ideal trucks with current weather.
  15. Your'e right there. But it is something most people in the UK Mainland don't understand, the feeling that still exist. As for Allied soldiers and the killing of prisoners etc. the important thing was it was not State sanctioned, and any person caught do so would be libale to military or civil law. Intrestingly as far the Versaille treaty goes, the papers are now starting to be released. Recent releases indicate it was the Australians who wanted the cash and economic reperations. Britian, France and Belgium got land grabs, especially in Africa, and of course France got Alsace and Lorraine back- See Franco -Prussian war , where I still maintain the whole boiling started. For newer mebers I was born and grew up tn the Channel Island's the only part of the UK Occupied by German forces in WW2, although the chattering classes in the Island's would prefer me to say 'Soldiers of a Forign Occuping Power.
  16. Where abouts are the 'extra' holes? If they are about half way up the left side of the woodwork that would be where the fronr volley sight fitted.
  17. Just out of intrest, was there any company who could press or machine metal that didn't make parts for the STEN?
  18. is it a Western vehicle though? :cool2:
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