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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. I've got a steriliser somewhere. it has to simple unpressurised burners, similar to what you see to keep plates warm with. They use meths . Tilley also nade a specific Surgeon's lamp which requires meths to start. If he wants to sell one!
  2. Welcome, you'll soon be dyed green around here.
  3. They are a joy to drive. So much nicer than the eqivalent Land Rovers.:-D
  4. Tony B

    NGK Plugs

    My local friendly factor can get NGK's for me far quicker and cheaper than any on line scource. Also close by if any problems. Internet isn't always better.
  5. So which specific unit would use it? Thoughts of digging holes , Sappers? Oh Lord! You're not back on Latrines are you?
  6. Umm? There we are with our Vickers camoed up and dug in, poised to suprise the nefarious enemy. With a large bright metal contatiner, flashing like a light house! :nut:
  7. That is an Ardvark. The military Ardvark is a mine clearing flail.Ardvark (Animal) dig 'oles and eat Ants,
  8. I have a quite simple answer. My land line has two ring tones, those numbers I want to answer have a distinct tone. Anything else, the answerphone does it. If it is important a message will be left.
  9. If you run short of cork, you could always ask Rosie!:-D
  10. Just one query? How can anyone living in Detroit not have a Dodge? :-D
  11. Bite the bullet and get a 'modern' plastic float from a scrapyard?
  12. Looking at that photo of the starter I'd definitly have the connections off and clean them. They have to be spotless and tight. I now use the toothed anti shake washers as a matter of course on all the electrical fitting and earth straps, they may feel tight, but still won't work. My WC51 has always been very relaible, a couple of months ago I started her up moved her out of her shed and switched off. Went to restart, totally dead! NADAR! No lights , no indicators no noffink! After head banging I went under to the battery earth strap, looked OK and wouldn't move with hand pressure. As that was the only thing I hadn't checked I took it off and cleaned it then retightned. No problems since.
  13. 6 volt batteries don't seem to like liying about. If the battery has been allowed to go flat for any lenghth of time its ****. What does a voltmeter show when the battery is sitting then during starting? You can always try a touch jump from a 12 volt to try the starter out.
  14. Does the starter turn the engine over? 6 volt is very prone to dirty or loose connections. Note: The connections can seem tight, but still worth checking over. Other thought, how old the batery?
  15. I'm sure temprature has something to do with it. Both mine were complete S*ds to start yeaterday, not something thier known for.
  16. As it was raining and ran fine, if it comes back maybe down to fuel gassing?
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