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Everything posted by Ron

  1. Well done. Please keep me posted. Regards Ron
  2. Google 'Draganfly' or 'Rob Van Meel' Ron
  3. Ron

    3hw valves

    Geoff Meyers usually has lots of 3HW stuff. I'm sure I've seen valves/springs on his Stall. Kempton Park tomorrow where he usually is. He's the brother of Les at Russells, so you could also ring Les. I have contact details for both if you need them. Ron
  4. Don't forget to fit the essentials. You can not win a war without a wailing siren and a baseball bat. Ron
  5. Thanks Barry. I'll keep them as another option. Ron
  6. I just found this firm who list the belt I need. I'll await their reply to my email. Ron http://www.northwestclassic.co.uk/index.html
  7. Yes indeed Chris. That is the very number on my Tilly belt. Measured today by a local firm at about 47" inside, But probably stretched a bit. Have you got a name/number for that firm in Newbury? Ron
  8. Thanks but a scan through their product range seems to be the same as the others. Nothing at 19mm (3/4"). I think it's a case of finding a (tractor) firm who have some old stocks. I'll keep looking. But I'll ring that firm in Lincoln first. It's not urgent......I just don't want to be beaten!! Ron
  9. Have you got a name/contact detail for this tractor firm please? Ron
  10. Does anyone know of a supplier of fan (V) belts for classic vehicles? There is nothing between 17mm-22mm wide from modern supplies. My Tilly belt is about 3/4" (19mm). Thanks Ron
  11. Can I mention the up coming military motorcycle tour for next June. Check out this site for more details. http://pub37.bravenet.com/forum/static/show.php?usernum=3155626639&frmid=16&cmd=show Ron
  12. Hi Danny. I'd also like some information about that. I haven't studied it at all, but for the moment I can't see how those plates work? When I installed my WS19 in my Jeep some years ago. I simply fitted the rubber exhaust cotton reels from a Mini at each corner of a standard WS19 vehicle mounting frame. But I'd love to do it by the book. Please PM me if you acquire info from another source. Regards Ron
  13. Thanks all for the quick response. I doubt there's much need for it on hear. So at least I can give it some description if I bung it on ebay. Ron
  14. Well done Wally. Thanks a million! I acquired it and another broken one with some other stuff from a garage clear out. At least I can offer it as a pre war switch panel. Ken. Looks like your memory is not failing you! Best regards Ron
  15. It has Summer and Winter charge rates and a 16 amp ammeter. Ron
  16. Not much happening here on the motorcycle threads. But I might as well post pictures as I arrive towards the final stages of the build of my special. Unfortunately the saddle recover guy is holding things up now. Ron
  17. Yes but I wonder if it's at all military? Ron
  18. Probably these people. http://www.rk-leighton.co.uk/ They will do a nice job if you send them your frame, but of course it will be in a modern black vinyl. Ron
  19. Quite a few here. http://www.s-v-c.co.uk/category/freestanding/ Ron
  20. Very well done Tom!! I also replaced the rubber on my windscreen. Fiddly job, but thank God for Paul Beck who produces these mouldings. Ron
  21. "I rather fancy a 1938 Norton twin-port with a 'cows-udder' each side....maybe even to Trials specification with the high level pipes. Four tail pipes" Well Horror might beat you to it! He already bought frame, wheels and a good part of a 16H from me and he has a model 18 engine. I'll see if I can persuade him to add a Tommy gun?? Ron
  22. Well I've never seen the Enfield clip! Look forward to it. The only one I've seen is the series of pictures that feature the same bloke on the Model 18 with the ugly 'cows udder' silencer. Ron
  23. Yep I remember those Sundays with great fondness. 'Round the Horne' and 'Beyond our Ken' Ron
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