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Everything posted by Ron

  1. It might pay to put a shout on the Artillery page. I'm not sure if Rob Nixon and other artillery experts watch here. Ron
  2. All the companies mentioned should know the correct spokes for your wheels. The dimples in the rims are also pierced at the correct angles for whatever hub they are attached to. I had a very successful encounter last year with 'Devon Rims' for new rims and spokes for my BSA/Indian special. Ron
  3. Try a google search for "Devon Rims" and "Brickwood Wheels" Ron
  4. Sad news. I don't think I've seen Bernard since one of the last Kemble shows in his 8cwt Humber. Fond memories too of the winter sort outs at his place. Ron
  5. I don't think you can make that comparison! With an old hard rubber tyre that has been blown up for years and a new soft rubber tyre that hasn't yet been inflated. Ron
  6. OK I'll mention it to a friend. Ron
  7. You haven't mentioned a price? Ron
  8. A bit late with a follow up to this thread I know. But I now realise that the Velocette MAF also seems to have left the factory with a black exhaust system. Ron
  9. Yep it's the only reason I don't fire my 2 pounder!....... I hate all that cleaning after. Ron (looking for the tongue in cheek smiley)
  10. Lovely Job Rob! Here's one from the first war. Amazing what a difference just a few years can make. Ron
  11. Here are the trigger box measurements and close up shot:- 'U' 25.7mm 'T' 42mm 'S' 160mm. Ron
  12. Missed that part! I'll look at the trigger box tomorrow. Ron
  13. You're welcome. Good use of an old prop shaft! I'll look forward to seeing yours come along. Good luck Ron
  14. The rear sight box ® on mine is 23.7mm (15/16inch imp) the front sight box is 25.7mm ( I guess 1 inch imp) Ron
  15. Tom. I can see from the picture of the non airborne Jeep, that the feet used are those U shaped metal/rubber feet as used on a 19set. So if the feet are bolted to your 22 set vehicle mount frame. Would you not just drill the holes to line up where your feet sit on the wing top. Ron
  16. Additional pictures of 22 set installations for Airborne and non airborne Jeeps from "Wireless for the Warrior" Vol 2. Ron
  17. Cheers Guy! Neils, if you pm me your email address, I'll send you pictures of mine which hopefully I have got more or less correct. The steering damper was omitted after a certain date. With your frame number we might be able to decide. Ron
  18. I received the NOVA form from HMRC. 7 pages to fill out. The guy at HMRC said I didn't need it as it's not an imported vehicle but he'd send it to me anyway. I've just got off the phone from DVLA who also tell me I don't need it. I queried if she was correct in this assumption, so she went and asked at the new registrations department, who also categorically stated that I do not need a NOVA declaration. I'll send it in as normal and see what happens. Ron, confused from Poole with blinding headache.
  19. And further:- I just spoke to a nice guy at HMRC VAT (Ian on 0300 200 3700). He informed me that a declaration is not necessary on a vehicle that has not been imported. But that he'd heard that DVLA are still insisting on it. So he is going to email me the form NOVA1. I'll keep the information coming in case it might help others. Ron
  20. Chris I have spent ages looking at all this. It appears to me that to do it on line, you have to register with HMRC as if you are registering a business for VAT. It all looks far to involved. I'm going to try the VAT help-desk number and get a paper form NAVO1 sent to me. I see on another forum a guy who is trying to register his WM20 is having the same problem with a bike that has probably never left these shores. So far he's waited for three weeks for HMRC to respond to his application. I have to say I'm not new at this, having registered at least 10 vehicles/motorcycles of my own over the years and also helped lots of others as a local agent for the MVT in years gone by. Cheers Ron
  21. Hi Chris. I've been going round in circles for the last half hour trying to find a way to contact HMRC about a NOVA declaration. Why am I doing it? Since the vehicle is not an import??? Ron PS. I've managed to sent a query to HMRC by email. I'll post the results when and if I get any. During my googling round, I came across other forums talking about what an utter farce the whole thing is and that DVLA and HMRC are not properly working together on this ...... Sounds about right!!
  22. I am also about to register a WD Velo. Everything I read about this NOVA declaration states it's for vehicles imported into the UK. Is it also necessary for registering a UK vehicle? Anyone got a link to the form or correct department. Thanks Ron
  23. Yes he had proper pedals fitted to it. Did you come to Tilly with us? (about 10 miles from Bayeux) He decided to come as well. Andy actually towed him gently most of the way. His wheel bearings must have been quite warm! He was only about 12 years old and when we enquired about his family. He said "it's ok, I've text my Dad to tell him I'm being looked after by a group of bikers". Very keen young lad in full uniform....Love it! Ron
  24. The other accessory is the front carrier to carry a Bergen. Ron
  25. Lee ask Frank Brown if he makes them. Ron
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