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REME 245

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Everything posted by REME 245

  1. My Humber Armoured Car had white as the original internal paint.
  2. You can buy a flat Aluminium paint in most DIY Shops. It has very little body to it which is why some use Hammerite to stop rust coming through. The only problem with Hammerite is if it reacts with anything or if you want to get it off. I found a tin of the correct fire resistant paint but the paint does rub off on your hands/clothes. Remember also depending on when your vehicle was manufactured during WW2 it could have been white inside.
  3. Bedford MW and probably going back to blue in 1948.
  4. Sounds like after being delivered to Ashchurch Depot it spent its entire life in various Army Air Corps units. http://www.army.mod.uk/aviation/27829.aspx http://www.army.mod.uk/aviation/30331.aspx
  5. Thanks to a photograph found by Rob Miller late war BSA production of Chorehorses is now confirmed. Quite how many were produced before 1945 is questionable. Unfortunately none of the war-time manuals show any war-time BSA examples so quite how to identify one is still questionable. Any 30 volt is post-war.
  6. Presumably they followed the standard vehicle colours so by the time these were coming into service brown.
  7. Plenty of suppliers out there. It is a common pump. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AC-T-Type-U-Type-UE-Type-Fuel-Pump-Kit-/201555105720?hash=item2eed9ed7b8:g:Pg4AAOSwXshWqz3n
  8. For the first part of WW2 the Special Operators Training Battalion Royal Signals was based at Trowbridge Barracks. Presumably they were training the operators for the Y Service or am I getting confused?
  9. Can anyone recommend a good source for Silicon Brake Fluid without braking the Bank?
  10. What does the data plate say please on your Charging Panel. Looks a bit small to be a 1250 watt one.
  11. Does anyone have any pictures of the .22 sub calibre training devices used on Saladin Armoured Cars. I understand that my current Army Cadet Force Range was used for this purpose with a sand table set up and little rubber tanks to engage. All computer game simulators today.
  12. The Dingo FB Page is the best place to speak to other owners. A picture of yours in Egypt post-war was published in Windscreen some years ago. I posted it on the FB Page recently.
  13. Still looking for 2 (or more) of these 11:00X20 Avon Track Grips if anyone sees any.
  14. Talking about tyres ensure the GMC is fitted with the war-time pattern Bar Grip Tyres and the Norwegian post-war clover leaf pattern.
  15. I still have it and will be using it as a turret cover for my Daimler DAC rather than the Carrier Cover it was originally made for. You can source it and supply it to your preferred cover manufacturer but just a pity they don't offer the option themselves.
  16. As others have said discussed many times before. Indeed the instruction to change the colour to British Olive drab in 1944 specifically instructs units only to repaint their vehicles when required. You try and find some brown canvas as well used during the period. None of the suppliers would manufacture anything in it when I tried some years ago but hopefully things have changed.
  17. What are they claiming to be crush washers as they look like standard copper washers.
  18. I will check the next time I go over.
  19. I can only assume Andy that the threads are a different length on these modern replacements to the original but it seems very strange that I have to pack them out with different thickness washers to get the unions to tighten up at the correct angle. I do have NOS hoses on one of the lengths but I know people who have had old stock seals melt after about 2 years of use so replacing everything.
  20. Unless anyone knows a source of different thickness 13mm washers I will have to try soldering them together as I doubt 2 or 3 individual ones will seal on compression only.
  21. Richard In the picture one end of the hose is going onto a brake pipe via a coupling and on the other straight through the chassis. This new picture shows the pipe going to the splitter unit and the other end through the wish bone. To get the pipe in this alignment I have had to use 3 copper washers. Unless I am wishing the obvious where is the adjustment is apart from washers.
  22. I am trying to fit new flexible Brake Hoses to my Daimler Armoured Car and on both the Wish Bones and the Chassis I am finding the same problem in that the brass fitting does not screw up tight in the correct position to bolt flat on to the corresponding fitting without twisting the hose out of a alignment. The only adjustment seems to be washers of different thicknesses. Am I missing something here?
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